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Author note: This is the outfit you are going to wear for a little bit of the chapters because of the baby you are carrying, and also I don't remember know many years of Devil May Cry 5 starts off, so I just put 11 years, but if I am wrong, I am sorry.

(Y/n) POV

People were being nosy about the giant plant that looks weird, but I just that am staying far away from it, I noticed Morrison came back to me and started talking to himself, "We've known each other a long time... ya never had this much trouble. You gonna make it through this, Dante?" Morrison said to himself but I heard him, "I just hope Dante comes back, he needs to make sure that everybody is safe." I told Morrison, while I was holding my stomach that got big from being pregnant again, 'Dante, you have to make it for all of us.' I said to my head.

Dante's POV

This demon kept shooting some fire balls at me, I kept dodging his attacks and I was getting pissed at this guy and I went to attack him again, but I got knocked down, I noticed Lady and Trish were knocked down as well, '(y/n), I promise I come back to you again, just please bear for a while.' I said in my head, I tried getting up but I was defeated already.

Nero's POV

Once I got to the room of where Dante and his other friends were at, I noticed the demon was using his tentacle to hit Dante but I used my gun to shoot at it, "well... looks like this won't be a total waste of time after all." I said to the demon before I started walking up to him, "Hey, jackass! Didn't your mother ever teach you it's not nice to steal?" I told the demon before using my other arm to show him my other arm that was gone, the demon didn't say anything before I started to chuckle at this before I started talking to Dante, "Sorry, Dante... I'm baggin' this bitch!" I said before I put my sword down to start it up, I started to attack this demon but no matter how many times I attack him, he was blocking my attacks and no matter how many times I tried to hit him, the attacks are not affecting him.

The demon throw me to a some kind of wall and I was falling down from this, I tried getting up but then I heard V's bird that is name Griffin, "This is it, this is the end! It's all over!" Griffin yelled out, the demon was using some kind of power to hit me, but before he could do that, gunshots hit his face, the hand stop the attack he was doing and he was focusing on Dante, "Round two!" I heard Dante said to the demon, I noticed Dante was going to devil trigger and he grabbed his sword out and started charging up to him but Dante got blocked.  Dante was trying his best to hit the demon, but I also noticed this area is coming down, "V, get Nero out of here! This was a bad move!" Dante yelled out to V, "I can still fight!" I tried telling Dante, "Nero, go! You're just dead weight." Dante yelled out to me, I was pissed at Dante who called me 'dead weight' I was gonna to do something but V tried to grabbed me but I told him to back off, rocks were coming down at us.

V tried to get me to leave with him, but I didn't want to leave because I was going to keep fighting the demon, but V kept talking to me, "We must leave here. He is far stronger than we ever could have imagined." V said to me, I was getting pissed at this, I started to yelled really loud, "That bastard called me dead weight! I didn't come all this way for nothing!" I yelled out again but V kept pulling me back before he started talking to me, "stop hitting yourself, and think of ways to get stronger and actually help. If Dante loses... you are all that can defeat Urizen." V told me, "is that what you call him?" I asked V, "yes, Urizen, the demon king... that's the name of the demon that took your arm." V said to me, I was looking at Urizen was still blocking Dante's attack.  Urizen was talking to Dante now, "you may have not put your wife with this, but don't worry, my army will find her and possibly her child that she is holding in her stomach." Urizen told Dante.

I started to get to get upset because now Urizen wants to get (y/n) while she is holding her baby inside her stomach, I was gonna to let that happen to her and her kid, " No! You don't touch her!" I heard Dante yelled out to Urizen, I noticed Urizen punch Dante and he was returning to his human form now. I didn't stayed long before me and V got out of the big plant, that's when we got to the ground I see Morrison and (y/n) was looking at us, "What happened to Dante? Where's Dante?" Morrison asked us but I ignored him, I started walking towards to (y/n), "Nero, what's wrong? What happened to my husband?" (Y/n) asked me, I move my hand to hold her shoulder before I started talking to her, "um, (y/n) there was nothing we could do, but your husband did call me dead weight but I just know that this demon wants to capture you with your baby that's inside of your stomach." I told (y/n), I see her having a sad look on her face before she started crying, I wrapped my arm around her and telling her that I am sorry.

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