Mission 4 (Nero)

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Nero's POV

Nico was covering Lady with blankets, while I was holding Dante Jr. in my arms, I heard Nico was talking to me, "Well, she ain't dead. Got a pretty smokin' body, though." Nico said to me, but I turned around to face her now, "Not that I was—barely even noticed. You know, you should go do your thing. I got this." Nico said to me, I got up from the seat I was sitting on, I gave Nico the baby before I could leave the van, we felt something shaking and I turned around to see a big demon, "What the hell?" I said in a confusion voice.  Nico was looking at the big demon with a surprise face as well, "Whoa... He's too big to leave alone. I better take care of it. Stay alert." I told Nico.

I left the van to make sure the demon doesn't hit us, I got my sword out and I started running towards the demon but of course it was shooting some kind of power at me but I kept dodging his attacks.  The demon was now where I was at now, I started to used my gun, sword, and my grapple hand to hit the demon leg and it was working because I was able to grapple my way up to the demons back and I started to hit it's weakness point, but this demon was started to get on my nerves because it kept trying to hit me with his power but I kept avoiding it, I also noticed that the demon was coming down on the floor, I got down to see V and his helper friend, "What're you doing down there?" I asked V, but his pet was laughing at me before he started talking to me, "You didn't think you did that all by yourself, did ya?" The bird said to me before I started to make a joke to him, "You know, I bet you taste like chicken..." I said to the bird.

The bird did not like that, "Oh, you ungrateful sonuva—" the bird didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before V had his cane out to block his pet away from me, "I'll leave this beast to you. I must press on." V said to me, and just like that V left, I turned around to face the demon now, "Well... Guess it's just you and me, cockroach." I said to the demon before I started to get on his back again to attack him, but I see that he was learning some tricks that he think he can stop me, but he was wrong because I kept doing the same stuff I was doing to him before, I was able to get him and he started to crumble down, "This thing's a root, too. What's going on?" I said to myself before I heard the van was coming close to me.

Nico was having her smoke break, I realize she was not holding Dante Jr. in her arms, I was going to say something but Nico interrupt me, "Yo, Lady's awake. Got any questions for her, better make it fast. And don't worry, Lady is holding the baby while I was driving." Nico said to me, I calm down before I started getting up, "All right." I got up before I could walk. Nico was yelling something to me, "Hey wait wait wait wait, we could use that. Pick it up." Nico said to me, I was going to grab a soup van but Nico was saying something to me, "Not that one, the other one." Nico said to me, before I could grab the other item, "—This One?" I asked Nico, "—Uhhh, next—next to it!" Nice said to me, I grabbed a item that was next to the other item, "Come on, Nico. This one?" I asked Nico.

Nico was looking at me with a upset face, "Sure." Nico said to me with a sarcastic tone, I started heading to the van with the item in my hand. I got inside of the van and gave Nico the item to her before I started to go near Lady and I asked her a question, "So what happened to him? And Trish? They end up like you?" I asked Lady.

Lady's POV

Nero was asking me about Trish and Dante, I was holding the baby and I started talking to Nero, "Trish, she... She was captured. I remember that. But I don't know what happened to Dante." I said to Nero as best as I could, "Damnit." Nero said, I also that (y/n) was not here with them, so I asked Nero about her, "Nero, where is (y/n) isn't she supposed to be here you guys?" I asked Nero. Nero looked at me before looking at the baby, "(y/n), was able to give birth to her baby, but after a week happen we were trying to get some stuff for the van or any food or diapers for the baby, but we got in some serious trouble with demons, we were just fighting them, but out of nowhere there was a demon that came by and took (y/n) under nose, I tried getting her back but she was gone, so me and Nico decided to take care of the baby by ourselves." Nero said to me.

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