Mission 2 (Nero)

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Nero's POV

V got on the van, while I was behind him with Dante Jr. in my arms, V started talking to me, "I think we should split into two groups." V said to me, I started to finish it up for him, "...And cover more ground. Good idea." I said before I started to get up from the seat I was sitting at.  Nico was showing me a new arm for me, "Behold my genius." Nico said to me, before I could grab it, Nico lift it up because I have to own her something, "Cash first." Nico said to me before I started talking to her, "All the material I collected for your little pet project don't count for anything?" I said to Nico.

Nico was going to go at it, "My brilliant, badass work is worth every dime, you know it." Nico said to me, "Well, your quality control sucks ass, and you know that." I said back to Nico, of course we have to argue about this crap, "Of maybe don't let the demons smack you around so much?" Nico said to me, I didn't care anymore before I gave Dante Jr. to Nico, "Whatever..." I said to her, I hear Nico was talking to herself, "I am truly gifted. It's a work of art!" Nico said to herself, I heard a chuckle coming from that damn bird, "So you're an artist now, huh?" Griffin asked Nico.

Nico had answered back with a serious tone, "Yes I am. Got any questions, little chicken?" Nico said to Griffin.  Nico was talking to V or probably all of us, "My grandmother was called the '.45 Caliber Virtuoso'... Legendary gunsmith. I hope to be like her someday. An artist, and a lethal artisan. Everything I create is art, whether it's a gun... or a steel pot... to cook birds in." Nico said that to all of us, she sat down while she was still holding Dante Jr. , "Any more questions? Huh?... Little chickee." Nico said to Griffin.  We both heard Griffin was making a sound but we didn't know what it was, V got up and told Nico, "I'll take my leave now. And if I don't see you along the way, I'll see you at the bottom of the Qliphoth." V said to me, "Sure." I said to V when he left the van, "What're you gonna do?" I asked Nico.

Nico started talking to me, "I gotta shake the cobwebs out and also taking care of the baby. I'll let you know." Nico said to me, before I could say anything else, Nico was telling me if I had any questions for her.  I looked at the new arm that Nico made for me.

Time skip still Nero POV

After I was done at getting stuff from Nico, I started to say goodbye to Dante Jr. before leaving the van, "It's strange that Dante Jr. doesn't show emotions to us, but only cry, I guess when he is with his parents, I just hope (y/n) is doing alright?" I said to myself. I was telling Nico to move out but her lazy ass is pretending to be tired even though she is supposed to watch the baby, I saw a weird looking thing, so I got on top of it and I started to grapple my way up.  Once I made it to a building I see bat demons and I started attacking them with all my might.

The demons were easy because I kept shooting and hitting them with my sword and gun, I also noticed that V was dealing with the demons as well, I kept grappling my way to the another side, but of course demons were here and I started to attack them with all my might again, they were dead when I was done with the last one.  I was grappling my way up to the next to a building, "I hope Kyrie is doing okay? Including (y/n) and Dante's kids?" I said to myself, I know the two kids are not bad, I thought they were going to be bad kids but it turns out they are not, they are well behave little half demons.

Demons were almost everywhere that I just got out my sword and started slashing at them til they were dead, I went to a somewhat sewer area that were covered in roots, so I found the red blobs that could damage the roots, it work because I was able to go forward but of course no luck was on my side because I had to fight demons again and I started to get my sword ready to go and I started slashing at them, I used my grappling arm to get the demons closer to me and I started shooting at them.

Time skip still Nero's POV

After I was done at getting rid of three roots, I see a way to keep moving forward, I started to grappled my way up, I was walking towards a library and I see a picture was moving and I see a demon coming out of it, it was gone but it came out to have big scissors, the demon tried to hit me but I dodge his attack and it was gone, so I started to go to another room but of course it was blocked off because of that demon, so I started to used my gun, before I started to used my grappling arm to get the demon close to me and I started attacking it quick, the demon was dead now.

I started walking towards to some area that I see a phone booth, I went towards it to give Nico a called and right on cue, the van came down and here she was, I got on the van and I start to go inside to see Nico was getting her stuff out and started to ask me about the stuff that I need to keep moving forward, I started getting stuff from Nico, before I could leave the van I decided to check on Dante Jr. he was fast asleep, I picked him and I started to talking to him, "Hey little guy, I hope you are doing alright? Because I know that I am, but I wish your mom was here to help us out, but she was captured by Urizen, but me and V tried our best to find her again and included your dad as well." I told Dante Jr. I noticed his eyes opened and I see his (e/c) eyes were looking at me before he gave me a smile, I was shock that (y/n) baby was smiling at me, "I guess you do care about me?" I asked Dante Jr. Nico came by and saw me holding Dante Jr. in my arms, "well, I think he started to warmed up to us." Nico said to me, "what do you mean Nico?" I asked Nico.

Nico was explaining to me of how earlier that Nico was doing something funny and she was able to get Dante Jr. to smile, "well, I guess I am the second person who got him to smile." I told Nico. Nico took Dante Jr. out of my arms before telling me that I have to go now, so I left the van to go to a big area, but I had a feeling that I wasn't alone anymore, so I turned around to see a demon was behind me and it started to shoot some weird power at me, I got up and I started dodging his attacks and I started shooting my gun at him, "What, no chit-chat or monologue? Just getting right to the point, huh?" I said to the demon, it was doing something weird like it's head was opening a mouth, but I didn't have time so I started to fight at the demon.

I started shooting my gun at it, before I started to grapple my way up to the demon and I started slashing at it, this demon was kinda annoying of how the way it sounded like, but I just had to killed it, it was having some weird powers that tried to attack me but I was able to dodge his attacks before I started to killed it, but I slashed at the part of the demon and I see a person was in there, I kept dodging it's attack and I was able to get a good slash at the demon chest before a woman was falling down, I started to put my sword behind my back and I was able to catch her in time, she was covered in blue slime, then I noticed something it was one of Dante's and (y/n)'s friend, "It's Lady." I turned around to see Nico was coming towards me, she was holding Dante Jr. in her arms, "You know her?" I asked Nico, "From my gunsmith days." Nico said to me, I noticed she was going to say something but she was kinda stuttering to me, "What?" I asked Nico, "I can't believe you'd do this to Kyrie. I'm gonna have to tell her, man..." Nico said to me as a joke.

Nico got down and picked up a item in her other hand, "I'm jokin'... Hey, loosen up your jock strap. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Nico said to me before she started walking towards the van, I started talking to myself, "Kyrie would kill me right now..." I said to myself before helping Lady to get in the van.

Author note: Oh Kyrie would have killed Nero, I would love to see that😂😂

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