The year is 1945, Tom Riddle was found dead. Killed because he saw something he wasn't meant to see. Now Tom haunts Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since that's where the murder took place or so it would seem. However how and why is a complete mystery. The only clues to how are a time turner with the initials R. R. K. engraved into one of it's rings and an almost completely empty potion vile with the initials K. R. R. etched into it's surface. However the most important clue is that he can't be seen like other ghosts can. He can only be seen by a true seer and there hasn't been a true seer in Hogwarts for the last century. That's until a certain muggle born witch with the same initials as one of Tom's murderers, along with being the spitting image of the killer that helped kill Tom, she was also unaware that the past is about to repeat itself only to reveal the truth. But what is the truth you wonder well you're gonna have to read this story till the end in order to find out!