The Imposter Among Us

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The next day, the crew was busy with their tasks and Hayes walked by as Officer Olivas was fueling the engines.

"Hello Professor." Olivas greeted.

"Call me Hayes, only my students refer to me as professor." Hayes said warmly.

"Okay, by the way, there's a meeting at 0300. Make sure to be at admin." She stated, picking up the fuel container.

"Do you need any help?"

"Do you know how to unlock manifolds?" Olivas asked jokingly.

"Not quite, unless it's anything like verb conjugations." Hayes laughed.

"No, it isn't." Olivas said.


Captain Singh, Muran Garris, Liliana Olivas, Timothy Lavelle, Professor Loran, and five others in brightly colored suits gathered in admin, away from the civilian passengers.

"Professor, please tell us that you have something." Officer Lavelle asked.

"I have theory, but I'm not sure," Hayes said nervously.

"It's better than nothing." A short man in a black suit stated.

"I think it's bad vibes." Hayes said in all seriousness.

"I beg your pardon?" Captain Singh asked.

"I think they are trying to convey... some form of dread through some type of song or music," Hayes explained. "Either it's a warning, or it's a hostile message. I don't know yet."

"You think it's a song?" Gariss clarified.

"I think it's a type of song... language is like music, even human languages." Hayes fumbled for the right words.

"So what are we going to do about this information?" A blonde woman in a green suit asked.

"Our plans are unchanged, we've prepared for both a positive and negative outcome." Liliana Olivas reminded them.

"Professor, your job right now is to determine whether it's a warning or a hostile message." Captain Singh asserted.

"Or both." Hayes added, to no ones particular delight.


Tensions rose over the next few hours as they got closer to the alien craft. Many of the passengers were crowding by the windows and view ports to get a sneak peak of it. All of the passengers were either officers or vetted scientists, so their confidence in the matter of the aliens was ensured. Mass panic on the planets was to be strongly avoided.

Hayes found herself feeling numb, her mind was feeling an urge to run, but being in a metal ship in the middle of a massive vacuum prevented such an action. Feeling more trapped than she ever had in her entire life, Hayes locked herself away in her room and listened to the recording once more.

If her theory about vibes was correct, she had to open up her mind to the feelings that the message contained. In order to do so, Hayes decided to listen to the recording whilst laying down and using headphones, so the quality would be at its highest.

As she listened, she spoke every word that popped into her head as message went on.














Hayes ripped off the headphones, but it was too late.

Her mind was already being rewritten by the virus, by the song.

In her mind, was an imposter. 

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