The First Death

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"All primary officers report to admin immediately!" The intercom blasted.

"What an interesting way to start to the day." Hayes muttered as she hopped out of bed and slipped on her suit.

She was still a bit shaken up from the previous night's experience, but the effects had faded. She had convinced herself that the presence within her mind was purely imagined and the result of exhaustion.

But in the recesses of her mind, she knew. Something was growing from within.

Hayes shook off the feeling as she stomped down the corridor to get to admin. Muran Gariss began to run beside her as they both ran to the same place.

"On your left." He said lightheartedly.

"Any idea what this sudden meeting is about?" Hayes asked.



"What's going on?" Liliana Olivas asked a grim looking Captain Singh.

"It's gone." The Captain uttered.

"What's gone." Gariss asked.

"The alien craft, it's just... gone." The Captain explained.

"What was their last recorded coordinates? Also, was there any sort of energy emission that may indicate a jump into hyper speed or something?" Hayes asked, the words leaving her mouth of their own volition, as if something else was speaking through her.

"Um... not that we could tell." Officer Lavelle answered, looking rather pale. "It just disappeared."

Hayes began to feel dizzy, as if she was just told that someone she cared about had died. A sense of grief overloaded her senses, but it wasn't her grief. She could feel something inside of her twisting in pain and sadness... and anger.

"Hayes, are you okay?" Gariss asked her.

"They. Left. Me." Hayes said. The words that forced their way up her throat were not her own and were in a distorted tone of voice, similar to that of the message.

"Who? Who left you?" Liliana said, holding Hayes steady as she began to sway.

"Nothing," Hayes said quickly, sweat dripping from her pale face. "I'm just exhausted."

"Lavelle, help me take her to medbay." Gariss commanded, looping an arm around her waist to steady her,

"Yes sir," The cyan suited man said, holding Hayes on the other side.

"I'm... okaaaayyy..." Hayes mumbled right before she went completely unconscious.


"What do you think?" Gariss asked Lavelle, once they had Hayes sleeping on a med bed. 

"As far as I can tell, she's just exhausted. I won't know more until we do a full body scan." Lavelle answered.

"Okay, let me know the results, I'll be in navigation." Gariss instructed before he briskly left.

"Eic'iaaorni" Hayes mumbled sleepily.

"What kind of language is that?" Lavelle asked with a smile as he set up the scanner.

"I don't know.." Hayes mumbled.

"Well, now that you're awake, let's get that full body scan." Lavelle said kindly, helping her off the med bed.

"Okay." Hayes said tiredly, not quite aware of what was happening because her mind was still coming to.

"Can you stand by yourself on the scanner pad?" Lavelle asked her, guiding her to the glowing green circle on the floor.

"Yeah, I got it," Hayes said, taking a deep breath and straightening her posture as the green lights roamed her body to scan her.

Suddenly, a soft alarm from the scanner readout reached her ears.

"What's wrong?" Hayes asked Lavelle, who looked rather afraid again.

"There's something in your brain, a growth that's being stimulated by this weird energy," Lavelle answered, both fascinated and terrified.

"What does that mean?" Hayes asked, already having some idea of what was happening to her.

"Something is taking over your hippocampus." He stated, looking at her like she was a dead woman walking.

Hayes' expression went still, almost serene.

"I know what I have to do." The voice in her head told her.

Hayes stepped off the scanner, but it was no longer her. The creature within walked over to the surgical cabinet and pulled out a sharp scalpel.

"Hayes? What are you doing?" Lavelle asked nervously, seeing the scalpel in her hand.

"She's sleeping." Hayes said.

"Who's sleeping?"

"The little professor, she's sleeping, I'm in control now." The creature said.

"What...?" Lavelle chuckled nervously. "Hayes, please, if this is a joke, it's not funny."

"Silence little being, it will all be over soon." The creature in Hayes' body said, closing the metal medbay doors.

And no one heard Lavelle's scream... past that metal door. 

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