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    The little girl looked up from the dirty ground to the woman in front of her. She was said to be her mother, but she never acted like the ones on the tv or in movies. she always made her do all the chorus in the so called house. The house didn't even have one room it was more like a shack. In the shack the girl wasn't the only kid. There was a lot of kids there like if the place the girl had been growing up in had become a run down day care, but there was something that was off about the home. All the kids who go to the back with man who is her father never come back. It was like there screams were just gone. Just like that, the little girl alway wonder what happened to them. Every time she asked her father where they would go he always has the same answer. 

"Don't worry about it soon you'll be going where there going." 

   It was always the same. Same question same answer. The little girl was clean the floor because her mother dropped some of her wine on it. 

"(y/n) come here please, don't worry about the floor." Her father said to her. She put down the mop and went to her father. 

"Let's get you clean up, your face is full of dirt." He saids as he wipes some of the black spots on her face away. He took her hand and lead her to the back. She was always told to keep her mouth close unless someone was to talk to her. Her father opened a door the lend more into the back of the house. (y/n) never knew this part of the house was there, but what was there scared her. 

   Kids in cages. They were all crying and saying they wanted to go home or that they wanted their mom and dad. (y/n)'s father held her hand as they walked through the many cages of children. The hallway seemed so long with the pase that she was walking (y/n) was walking very slowly while looking at all the kids around her. She let go of her father's hand causing him to look behind him. He saw (y/n) crying as she held her knees to her chest. 

"Father I want to go back. Please." She saids looking at him with tears streaming down her face. Her father went down to her, he put his hand on her cheek looking into her eyes. A huge slap was sent to (y/n) knocking her down. He grabbed a handful of her hair dragging her the rest of the way. 

"NO Promise I'll be good!" She yells at her father, but he ignore her. Once they got to the end of the hallway their was another door. when he opened it there were these pools fit for one person. He opens a lid to one and throws her into a pool closing the lid. (y/n) tried to get, but she couldn't hold her breath for that long. 

   It was around five hours that (y/n) was in that pool until she was taken out. She was rushed to the hospital because she was still alive. It took her a week to wake up, all the doctors were happy that she was awake, but the only thing was....She lost how to feel emotions. 

"So sweetie do you feel anything right now that you're awake." A nurse asked her as the little girl just stared at her hands. (y/n) just kept quite. There was a knock on the door which made the nurse look up from (y/n). 

"Who's that?" (y/n) asked very low as the nurse went to see who it was. The nurse opened the door to find one of the pro heroes to helped bring her here. To (y/n) he looked like he had just woken up. He and the nurse were talking about a plan on what to do with (y/n). (y/n) watches as the hero nods his head as if he was agreeing to something. He walks over to her meeting her at eye level. 

"Hello there." He saids to her. His hair was very long and it looked like it wasn't combed. He also had these grey badges that were around his neck and shoulders. His clothes were all black too. 

"Hi." (y/n) saids looking at the man. 

"Im Eraser Head a pro hero. Your going to live with me once you get out of the hospital okay?" He saids to her with a soft tone in his voice. All she did was just nod that's all. There was no light in her eyes, it was light it was taken away when her father threw her into the pool. 

"Can I ask you something?" She asked looking at her hands. 

"Of course what is it?" Eraser answered her. 

"Where's mother and father? Why did they have so many kids in cages?" She asked him looking up with dead eyes. 

"Well they're in jail right now. As for the kids they were doing something to them, but we don't know." He tells her. She looks at her hands again. 

'Is this what numb feels like.....' She thinks to herself as she knows she should feel something right now, but she couldn't because it was all taken away from her. 

Time skip 

     Two weeks after being in the hospital (y/n) was let out to live with Aizawa. She learned that he was a teacher at the top hero high school. 

"Aizawa." She called out for him as he was getting ready to leave. He looked at the girl and saw she had the little bear he got her a week ago. 

"Yes (y/n) what is it?" He saids grabbing his yellow sleeping bag.  

"Can I go with you there was a call that the babysitter couldn't make it." She tells him, for a five year old she knows how to take care of herself, but for some reason she wanted to see his students. 

"Ok fine you can come, but stay away from one of the boys. Just a warring." He saids holding her hand as she nods. The drive wasn't very long (y/n) had been to UA before and it was to meet all the other heroes there too. 

"Wait out here for a minute I gotta tell the brats your here ok." He tells her. As always she just nods holding her bear. When he went in not even five seconds in she heard girls voices saying 'bring her in please.' After Aizawa opened the door to carry her in the class. 

"Awwww she's so cute!" Said a girl with pink hair and skin. 

"Sensei has a kid?!" Said a blondie with a black lighting blot in his hair. 

"Dumbass weren't you listening?" Said another blond. 

"Sensei wants her quirk?" Asked a green hair boy. 

"I don't know." 

Im back with another book y'all. I was getting bored without anything to write cuz the BTS fanfic is done and the attack on titan one is on hold. So why not make a new one. Yay for stories, I had this in mind for a while so I thought why not I have too many ideas. Anyway I hope you all like this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment let's give this story a lot of reads guys! I'll see y'all in the next chapter! BYEEE!

Emotionless: My hero academia x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now