changing schools part 2

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Im so glad i stopped writing in third person oml-


" right class, the homework on hobgoblins and ways to defeat them is due in on Monday, you are dismissed" Yukio sat down behind his desk, scribbling something into his weird nerd notebook. .he's so uptight sometimes, it was hard to believe Rin was the older sibling. He packed his textbooks into his back pack and got up to leave, but was barely out of his seat when a small, hairy dog walked into the class rook, looking at Rin expectantly

He followed the white Yorkshire terrier into the headmasters office and slumped down into the fancy chair in front of an ornate desk, dropping his bag to the floor rather aggressively.

"eins, zwei, drei *poof*" Mephisto appeared in a cloud of pink, glittery smoke in front of Rin, and  he nearly fell off my chair.
"Afternoon sir.." he grumbled in indignation. He never did get used to the headmasters weird tricks.

"well then Mr Okumura, it has come to my attention that even after your battle with the impure king, you still do not have much control over your flames,"

"fuck off, yes I do.." He mumbled under his breath.

"and the only person willing to train the son of Satan, has been called to the Vatican by Mr Auguste Angel-"

"The blond douchebag?" Rin started, he hated that guy from his obnoxious shiny hair to his weirdly clean shoes.

"-Mr Angel has called Shura to the Vatican headquarters for undisclosed reasons, but that is not why I called you here, I called you here because  you still need to complete your training, and so , as the demon king of time- I am sending you to another dimension." Mephisto calmly explained. Rin raised an eyebrow in disbelief, another dimension- yeah right.

Mesphisto carried on speaking and honest to satan, Rin's eyes nearly popped out of my skull. It took at least 20 minutes to explain everything to him fully so here's Mephisto to paraphrase for our dear readers.

Rin is going to be sent to another dimension where 80% of the population is born with quirks(special powers). He will attend a school called UA where he will train to become a pro hero, which will greatly improve his sense of justice, discipline and will help him his flames.

I, as headmaster will come visit and update Rin as to what is happening and when he
may come home. Hopefully he will only have to spend one semester there though.

He will be allowed home once I and Yukio have appealed to the paladin to make sure they don't try and execute him again.

"this, is going to be interesting..."
Rin thought aloud.

Sheeeesh im on a roll

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