Rin? Nahh elsa

394 13 17

Rin's head was pounding. His eyes weren't even open and yet the lights were blinding. It felt like the ultimate hangover of hangovers, times seventeen. He just lay there, for how long he couldn't recall, wishing he could sink into the ground.
All his memories were kind of fuzzy- he could remember seeing lots of really bright light and hearing screaming but that was about it. There must have been more too it though, he felt different. His chest was thrumming with a foreign yet exceedingly familar power, like he had rekindled an old friendship. He groaned, mentally gagging as he realised that he smelt horrible.
"Nurse! Hes awake!" someone called from his left.

And then there were lots of people touching him, and using weird machines that made beeping noises and saying medical terms he didn't understand and it wastoomuchitstoomuchpleasestop
Then Yukio was calling his name, and telling him to wake up wake up wake up.
He opened his eyes, and he was on fire.
"Rin! Rin thank goodness, you need to calm down!" someone said
"Yukio! Yukio wher are you?" he didn't understand? Where was his brother? He was just calling for him?

"Oh Rin-" that was Shura, he thought.
"Does he not remember?" a voice whispered
"I don't know, best not bring it up,"
And then the nurses were shouting again, and then it was dark, and then it wad quiet.
Rin fell into the darkness greatfully.

The next time he woke up, it was still quiet and dark. It was nice. Rin could open his eyes now, and he saw he was in a hospital bed. There was a mirror on the bedside table, so he grabbed it and looked at himself - just to make sure he was still real.

He dropped the mirror on the bed.
Aside from the black eye and chip in his ear he looked fine. If you ignored the fact that his hair was fucking white! He called his flames to him, lighting a small fire in his palm. So his powers still worked, that was good. But where was Yukio?

"Rin!" Shiemi burst into the room
"Shiemi, hi!"
Shiemi looked at the mirror on his lap
"Apparently because the Koma sword was broken and your demon heart was released, the stress on your body was too much and you developed marie Antoinette syndrome."
"Whats that?"
"I don't know either, I'm just glad you're okay!"

Rin looked at himself again and sighed. Well, at least he looked cool.
"Wheres Yukio? I haven't seen him."
Shiemi looked shocked, then her eyes started to water
"Don't you remember? He was killed, then you went on a rampage and passed out."
"He's gone?"
Rin choked
Why, why Yukio? His little brother.
his little brother was fucking dead because he couldn't protect him.
Yukio died, because of him.
"Rin! You're on fire! Be careful!"
Oh, was he? He hadn't noticed.
He just cried into his pillow. He cried, and screamed and begged for his baby brother to come back. He scorched the bedsheets and burnt the equipment and when nurses came in to restrain him he burnt them too.
And then something sharp hit his neck, and everything was dark again.

Rin came to a few hours later, now much calmer he couldn't do anything other than cry. He sat there, just quietly sobbing into his pillow until the first hints of watery morning sunlight filtered through the curtains. His memories had re- combobulated themselves at this point and he could remember the gruelling fight with the league of villains, thankfully everyone had gotten out of the ordeal a bit shaken up but otherwise okay.
Well, except yu-

"Hey Rin," Suguro entered his room.
"How are you doing?" Suguro sat on the edge of Rins bed, speaking quietly.
"Shitty," Rin let out a huff of awkward laughter.
"Least i look cool though."
They sat in silence for a few moments- both not really sure what to say.

"I talked to the nurse outside. You can be released later today." Suguro said, starting to stand up.
"Thats good, make sure to tell the others I'm doing better."

Suguro opened the door, letting light from the hallway spill in.

"I'm sorry you know- for everything."

"I know." and then he left.
An hour or so later, Katsuki visited Rin, immediately going up to the boys bed and getting in, laying with Rin under the covers. He wordlessly wrapped his arms around Rin's waist, and buried his face into the other's shoulder, inhaling the scent.
"Hey baby," Rin sighed, stroking katsuki's blond spikey hair. The boy just grunted and pulled Rin closer. Rin smiled,leaning into the touch. They didn't say anything- they didn't need to. Being together was enough.
The monday after Rin's release, he went to cram school. The Baku squad had gone back to UA, but Katsuki had fought tooth and nail to stay, even going as far as to threaten both Nezu and Mephisto. It wasn't really needed- as they had figured he would want to stay for longer and had already got consent from Mitsuki Bakugou.
So now he was accompanying Rin to cram school, as a sort of 'emotional support Katsuki'
They were a few minutes early, so only Izumo had arrived yet, she greeted them with a nod then went back to reading her book, not showing any surprise at Rin's bright white hair that was a stark contrast to his black uniform, or the blond gremling hanging off him like a lost puppy.
They sat at the back, Rin leaning on Katsuki and doodling on the boys hand.
"If you draw a dick i swear to god-" Katsuki growled in Rin's ear, making Rin's heart flutter a little.
"I'd need a reference for that, wanna be my model?"
"Shut up nerd."
Rin laughed as the rest of the class filtered in. Maybe this would be okay.

Okumura Rin: the demon heroWhere stories live. Discover now