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Rodisar was predominantly an ocean world broken up by two medium sized continents that are separated by water. There three continents, one that is in the far west, Lodia, and the other two were near each other, Oshax and Rahia. Oshax was the more northern continent, with frozen tundra's that had slowly become the snow-capped mountain range at the furthest reaches in the north. The continent was more inhabitable in the south. The two continents were broken up by a sea in between. Rahia was definitely the more hospitable continent with lush forests, rivers, steppes, mountains. It was a beautiful world and always had been since the time it created. It was home to a number of different creatures that were spread out across living in the oceans, the land and the air. Various creatures of all sizes, small, medium and big roamed the world, trying to survive. The majority of the species lived on Rahia. Only two species of all of them were sentient, one being the Aeoni that was a Mustelidae (Otter) based species, and semi-aquatic species and the Zerini, a Sciuridae (Squirrel) based species. In their early ancient history, as tribes generally living separate for one another. The Aeoni were primarily carnivorous eating mainly fish, and meat, but they could digest plants and herbs making them omnivores, while the Zerini were primarily herbivores, especially in their earlier stages. There were other differences between the two races. The Aeoni generally only raised a single child between couples, while the Zerini had numerous offspring. There were some similarities that both sets of races had an overall leader of their tribes, in the form of a chief. The Chief in the Aeoni were generally the strongest, though for the Aeoni it meant who was the strongest swimmer, and able to catch the most fish while underwater which occasionally meant an Aeoni would drown during the challenge. For the Zerini it meant who was the quickest to reach the top of the tallest tree around them, gather as many fruits and bring them back down quicker than the other.
The Aeoni and Zerini, at least in their early history, grew in very small tribes, spread out in locations across Rahia, mainly clustered around in the largest forest that was close to the mountain range. Some lived underground, while some lived on the surface, nicknamed 'Grounders'. They quickly developed stone tools that aided them in building, especially on the surface. The Aeoni choose to stick to rivers and they developed to worship water gods, since it was vital to their way of life. The Zerini worshipped the other side of nature, the trees and the plants. In doing so though, the Zerini came across a plant that seemed to have an effect on them turning them feral, making them a danger to other members of the tribe. When they became feral, they seemed to display erratic behaviours including eating meat, and even going as far as cannibalism. The plant was also encountered by the Aeoni but did not seem to have the same effect on them as it did for the Zerini. Zerini that had turned feral, were often killed, or exiled from the tribe. The two tribes generally did not interact with each other that much, occasionally there was some overlap. The first time they interacted, they were unsure how to react to one another, and they interacted with one another. It seemed as though there were some similarities between both languages, suggesting it originated from some ancient language though neither realised it at the time.
It was a long time before both tribes finally started to explore more of the world around them, but still keeping to small tribes. The Aeoni tribes were the first that started to develop basic weapons after becoming consciously aware that while they were quick, and able to kill with claws and teeth, it was not always the best and most proficient way of killing but also protecting themselves. It started the development of tools. The Zerini were slightly slower at developing them, but they needed them more for protection since there were still some large predators that roamed around them. The most common predator was a large black feline predator. The first recorded short battle happened between one of the Aeoni and Zerini tribes that was the first time the two tribes had encountered one another while gathering food. Other than that, the two tribes tended to be peaceful with one another, with the Aeoni choosing to hunt less dangerous prey and smaller prey like fish and rats. As they started to explore, however they came across a larger predatory species in the southern forest that was one of the largest on the continent, that were a snake-based species. They were far more dangerous than even the cats with their ambush style ability of hunting prey, and because they were covered in scales making them tougher to kill but the worst of it was that they could camouflage in the natural environment.
The Aeoni were the first to develop musical instruments with the first instrument being the flute, and it started to spread amongst the tribes. Music accompanied with singing really took off amongst the tribes. The music became a part of their worship as it gave rise to dancing and singing. The Aeoni also ended up making flutes and similar simple instruments. Music and dancing became an integral part of the wider life of the tribe from not just worship but also apart of courting, and celebrating birth, but the most important was for worship. For a long time, they worshipped, without really understanding the names, but a feminine figure would appear in dreams and visions, seemingly guiding both races along. It became an integral part of their lives, especially as their tribal cultures were centred around worship.

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