Modern and present age, the age of gate travel 1500's - present day

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Sela and her team had been gone for a few weeks now. The ones that stayed behind waited patiently for their return. They relayed the news back home and everyone was waiting with baited breath. Days slipped by and then finally the gate activated. Sela and some of her team, came through the gate, others did not which caused alarm. However, Sela explained everything that had happened and that Norin and others had stayed in the city, still exploring. Sela then relayed the fresh news back home giving them all a full brief. She then dropped the revelation that while they were unable to visit worlds with gates, the ancient builders had said they could visit an uninhabited world and put a gate on them as a colony for them to live on. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. The governments called for volunteers, and thousands offered even though they only needed a thousand—five hundred of each race would be required for the colony. A thousand settlers roughly led by Sela went through the gate, for the biggest and most exciting journey that would ever take place in their lifetimes. The mysterious world of Linara was waiting for them. It was unknown whether exactly how they were all doing, but every few months each year they would send updates, though it became more sporadic. The two republics in the mean time continued to grow, protecting the gate. Then in the last few months right up until the day before they had gone quiet before one Zerini came through the gate giving an update that the colony was thriving. It was certainly a new age for them all, and they could only imagine what the future might hold for them.

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