Chapter 1

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Isabelle Cooper^^^

Devastated. That's what I was. I  was completely and utterly devastated. I couldn't move, sleep, eat, talk, and I felt like I wasn't breathing. It had been a couple of months already since the tragic accident. My parents had died on impact I was told and my sister Amy had not made it to the hospital in time. It was so unfair to die at such a young age! She was only 8 and her life had just started to begin. Who knows who she would grow up to be, she might have been successful but no, her chance had been stripped away from her. I felt heart broken that I wasn't in that car with them but at the same time relief had sunken into me. I needed to move on and accept the fact that they weren't coming back. I would never forget them, nor would I ever stop loving them, but I desperately was in need of moving on. 

Slowly my legs feeling numb I began to walk over to my closet and pick out a few dull clothes for the day. Carrying them over to the shower I placed them down on the shelf in the corner and took one good look at my appearance. I looked hideous. My eyes were red and puffy from crying hysterically until no more tears were left, and I seemed as if I hadn't showered in weeks(which was most likely true.. I couldn't remember) A sigh of relief slipped through my mouth as the warm smooth water poured down onto my back. 

Spending a near total of 30 minutes in the shower I had finally finished everything that had been needed to get ready for the day. I looked decent. Just then I heard a noise at the door followed by the ringing of the familiar doorbell. Shouting a wear "I'm Coming" I trudged towards the all familiar area that was our main door. 

"Hey Isabelle, How are you doing? I'm Lucy and I'm here to help you pack for your new foster family home!" A lady in her mid forty's stood straight in front of me with an all too knowing look. One that said 'oh.. I'm so sorry for your loss, but I'm hear to cheer you up!' That's all I had been getting from people these days. Well my uncle who had been nice enough to actually stop by but then greet me with the news "How are you doing Isabelle, I'm so sorry my wife and I can't take you in. I wish we could, I really do but I'm afraid we just don't have enough to provide you with good care." I hadn't said anything but I knew that if my uncle couldn't take me, I would eventually be stuck in the foster care system with the fact that I'm still 16 and all. 

My mind reeling back to the present time, I looked back up at the lady name Lucy and said "um, okay?" she gave me a slight chuckle and asked "do you mind If I come in?" I gestured with my hand as a slight okay and she came in. 

Once she and I had packed up all of my necessity's which wasn't much only approximately three suitcases, I was in the car ready to go. She explained to me that we were going to the airport and had already found the family I was going to be staying with. The parents were named Natalie and Andrew and they were lovely people according to her.  They lived in California but I could care less that I was moving all the way across the world. I came from a small town in Virginia, and a year ago I would have been ecstatic at moving to California. Now all I could want was for my family back. 

"Flight 41B from Virginia to California now boarding" I heard over the intercom. My hands tightly around my backpack I stepped onto the plane. My parents were more on the poor side so I have never been on a plane before much less gone anywhere outside of my state. I closed my eyes as I settled down into my seat and felt my eyes get heavy. 

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