Chapter 2

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Natalie Anderson & Andrew Anderson^^^

"We're here!" a chirpy voice said behind me. I held my hand up adjusting to the shining bright light and look to my right to see where the sound was coming from. Lucy sat in an upright position smiling brightly at my face. 

We were in California. We had actually arrived in California and I was to meet my supervisors in less than an hour. It was a nightmare. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I'm sure the whole plane could have heard my heart going thumpity thump 100 times a second. My old family had always loved me and there was no question about it since we were family forever, but I didn't know what to expect from my new foster guardians. What if they hated me? They might expect a ton from me? Would they treat me well? 

We had long already gotten my luggage from the bag claim and we were waiting for sight of Natalie and Andrew Anderson. Also known as my future parents. I shuddered at the thought that anyone other than my mom and dad that could possibly be called my parents, but I snapped out of it when I heard Lucy call beside me "there they are!!" 

I looked up to see a couple in their late 40's a few feet ahead. They held a sign that read 'Welcome to California Isabelle Cooper!!'. It was an incredibly cheesy sign, but it gave me hope that they were nice people. The woman on the left who I assumed was Natalie had long flowing blonde hair and looked liked a model with bright hazel eyes. She was a couple inches shorter than her husband on the right who I also assumed was Andrew. Andrew had dark brown wavy hair and was incredibly handsome as well. 

They were soon right in front of me but I didn't dare look up. Instead, I studied their shoes. I could tell they were very wealthy people and probably had loads of money but were also very humble. They definitely looked light they had children and probably a lot on their mind. 

"Hi Isabelle! I'm so glad to have finally have met you. Were so excited to welcome you to our family and we are delighted to be your guardians for the time being. " 

I looked up just as Natalie pointed to herself. 

"I'm Natalie Anderson but you can just call me Natalie, and this is my husband Andrew." She said. 

"Well! I leave you too it. These are wonderful people Isabelle and I'm sure you will have no difficulty's settling in." Lucy spoke from my side in a fast tone as if quick to get out of the situation. Than she directed her next sentence at Mrs. and Mr. Anderson and said "If you have any troubles at all you know where to call, but other than that, I will say goodbye now!" She smiled one last time and turned to leave walking in the other direction from where we came from. 

"Great! follow us this way, we parked right over here. While we walk let me tell you a bit about us and on the way home, you can tell us about you! How about that?" Mrs. Anderson looked at me as if expecting a response. 

"um okay.." I mumbled not so sure what to say.  Mr. Anderson politely took my luggage and helped me drag it towards the way in which we were walking. 

"So," Mrs. Anderson said, "I guess the first thing you should know is we have quite a few children. Thirteen to be exact, but I'm positive you will fit right in"

"Thirteen!?" I said a bit too loud for my liking. I turned beet red and stared back down at my shoes. 

She gave a little chuckle but carried on telling me all about the little details. "I had already zoned out on what she was saying and my mind was racing. How was I to be expected to adjust! I wasn't very good with people in general but living with 15 different strangers was going to be frustrating. I hoped I would find a good friend among all the siblings. I mean surely they couldn't be as bad as I thought. Right?

We piled into the car and began the journey to the new place I was going to say. 

If only I had known what the future had in store for me. 

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