Chapter 3

17 1 2

Luke Anderson(23 years old)^^^

"Welcome home." I couldn't believe my eyes. The Andersons were rich!! We pulled up in front of a huge house with a U shaped driveway surrounding a grassy patch of land. In the middle spilled a magnificent fountain with a beautiful flower bed circling the masterpiece. The house sat on an enormous property I could barely see the house next door. 

As Mr. Anderson Parked his car and we entered the home, the smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies hit my nose. "Oh my!" she sighed. "She did it again!"

 "Boys!!!" she had pressed a small button on the left side of the door and spoke through what looked like an Intercom panel.  "In the kitchen in five". No response came but she continued down the entrance. We stepped into a massive kitchen stationed with a lady sitting on a stool at the edge of the island who had a delicate floral apron. The kitchen looked like it was the center of the house with celling's at least twenty feet high. The counter tops were a marvelous white and gold marble with an astonishing backsplash added to it. I turned my attention back to the lady who was studying me intently. She quickly got off the stool and flattened her apron out gushing. 

"Hi!, You must be the Isabelle we were all expecting. I'm Hannah and I'm the cook here!" 

I introduced myself back with a shy wave along with all the energy I could muster (which wasn't much...) "hey... yup I'm Isabelle Cooper. It's nice to meet you." She grinned. 

Suddenly, kids of all ages began pouring into the kitchen one by one grabbing two cookies off the platter on the center of the island and took a seat at the outstanding table located next room down. It didn't feel like a separate room more like a flowy combined room due to the open floor plan. My brain scanned the faces quickly and noticed four important things. 

One, pretty much all the kids of Natalie and Andrew Anderson were boys. Two, there was a young cute girl whom I was absolutely relieved to see at the end of the table. Three, that out of the thirteen whole kids Natalie had told me about, only ten of them were there. And last but not least, probably the most important fact of them all, every single human being siting at the table were the hottest/cutest people I had ever come across. The oldest ones were handsome beyond imagination, and even the youngest had probably the most adorable faces I had ever seen. 

One of them in particular was scowling at me, but somehow he even made that look hot. He had a player vibe, not that I knew much, his toned muscular arms were tight against his shirt, and he had dark brown hair paired with gorgeous hazel eyes.  When I zoned back out of my imagination, he was now smirking at me seeing as I was looking directly at him. I blushed hard, knowing I was probably flaming so bad I looked like a legit tomato, so I quickly looked back down at my shoes. 

"Boys, this is Isabelle, she's going to live with  for the time being and I expect each and everyone of you to make her feel welcome and safe at home. Do I make myself clear?" Natalie asked. 

"yes mommy!" the little girl chirped looking relieved to see another girl in the house, or at least I hoped that was the reasoning behind the face she was making. 

Natalie smiled and continued talking, "I want each of you to introduce yourself and get to know Isabelle a little more during your spare time. If I find that any of you are making her feel uncomfortable or being rude in any way there will be consequences."  

"Chase, why don't you start since Luke and Austin aren't here today."

The oldest looking guy at the table began speaking. "I'm Chase. 18 years old, attending Lynbrook high as a senior this year." He gave a genuinely nice smile directed at me and the room fell silent again. a couple seconds passed, and Natalie was giving the guy I was looking at earlier the hardest death stare. He rolled his eyes in the most exaggerating way he could and opened his mouth. 

"Hunter, 17, junior this year" he grumbled. Then huffed and left the kitchen. I was starting to feel my knees grow week with everyone staring at me, but nevertheless I continued listening to each of them introduce themselves making a mental list in my head as they spoke. 

The Anderson family 

Luke Anderson - (out of the house) 23 years old 

Austin Anderson - (out of the house) 21 years old

Chase Anderson - 18 years old Senior 

Hunter Anderson- 17 year old Junior

Connor Anderson - 15 year old Freshman

Jackson Anderson - middle school 8th grade, 14 years old twins with Tyler (identical)

Tyler Anderson - middle school 8th grade, 14 years old twins with Jackson (Identical)

Cade Anderson - 5th grade elementary school, 10 years old

Logan Anderson - 2nd grade elementary school, 8 years old

Sophie Anderson - Twins with Nathanial 5 years old 

Nathanial(Nathan)Anderson - Twins with Sophie 5 years 

"Woah, that's a lot" I whispered mostly to myself, but apparently I said it loud enough for the youngest little boy Nathan to hear. 

He giggled adorably and said " Yup mummy awwaysh shaysh thhere are thoo many of ush" His two front teeth were missing and his smile was so wide I was afraid it was hurting him. 

I smiled back and said "Hi, I'm Isabelle. I'm currently 17 years old and a junior in high school" 

Natalie clapped her hands loudly and exclaimed "Awesome! that went so much better than I thought. Everyone is free to return to whatever they were doing. But Chase?" 

"Yea?" he replied 

"Do you mind showing Isabelle where she's going to stay and help her get settled in? I was going to ask hunter since I know your meeting Sophia soon, but.."

"Yea, no problem!" Than he turned to me and said "common follow me this way."

Walking right behind him we started to climb the fancy stairs leading to the second floor. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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