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    My name is Aspen and this is my story. It all started about 5 years ago when I was just 13. My parents were very strict. But just like other children that didn't stop me from doing things I wasn't supposed to. So at the age of 13, I made a lot of mistakes and hung out with people I probably shouldn't have.
   It was finally summer and school was finally out. So of course like all the other kids I wanted to hang out with my friends. My parents had told me not to go anywhere without an adult but I didn't listen of course, because I wanted to be cool. I was 13, so I thought I knew everything and that my parents were just overprotective and didn't want me to have fun ever.
   My friends and I went to a park in the next town over. You know, because it was cooler than the one in our town, or so we thought at the ripe age of 13. Erin, my best friend since birth, said "Guys we should probably head home, it's getting kind of late." We all were bummed at the thought of heading home so soon, but we decided it was a good idea since we all had a curfew. So we all headed home and as we got into town headed our separate ways as we all lived on different streets, we besides Erin and I. As Erin and I rode our bikes home together she said "Why do you always want to hang out with them? They're all bad news..." I rolled my eyes and reply "What are you talking about? How are they bad news? They're my friends too." She said "Okay, whatever... I'm not going to argue. But when your 'friends' get you into trouble, don't say I didn't warn you, Aspen."
   Two weeks went by and Erin hadn't texted, called, pm'd, or even talked to me in person... We've stopped talking to each other before but she never goes this long without talking to me. Was she really this mad over who my friends are? This doesn't make any sense. I called Erin's mom and finally got an answer. "Hello?" She said from her end of the phone. "Hi, Mrs. Grimming. This is Aspen, is Erin home?" With confusion in her voice, she replied "No? She went to summer camp last week. Did she not tell you she was going?" Trying not to let her know we had gotten into a fight a couple of weeks ago, I said "Oh yeah! Yes, she did. I guess I just forgot. Sorry to bother you." She replied in a happy tone, "It's okay honey! Have a nice summer. Buh-bye now." "You too! Bye Mrs. Grimming."

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