The Moment My Life Changed

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Almost a week had passed and Brycen didn't talk to me at all. I was worried but I was a little more worried about why I was still sick. I started pretending that I wasn't sick after about 2 days in so that my mom wouldn't be too concerned. Erin didn't know that I was still sick either and I was with her almost every day since she had gotten home. I was so happy that our fight was over but it was so hard to not act like I was sick.

Skip ahead about 2 months and I wasn't throwing up anymore but I was still always tired. I wasn't sure what was going on but I just chalked it up as normal teen hormones. The school was back in session now and it was getting harder and harder for me not to talk to Brycen. I missed him so much but he still wasn't returning my calls and texts. Erin still didn't know about him and that was hard too because she kept asking about what all I did while she was gone. I just told her that I hung out with Kenzi and Zaren most of the time and that we didn't really do a whole lot. Of course, she didn't believe me though because she said Kenzi and Zaren are always causing some kind of trouble. Zaren hadn't been in school for a few days but that was kind of normal for him.

After a few months, I had noticed I was gaining quite a bit of weight, but that wasn't uncommon at my age, my body was going through a lot of changes. Now that I think about it, I hadn't had my period for about 3 months by this point though so that was a bit weird. I didn't tell my mom about my missed period or my weight gain, I mean at that time I wasn't too worried about it. I told Kenzi about it and she said "OMG! We need to go to the women's clinic ASAP!" I was like "Why? What's wrong with me?" She told me everything would be okay and that her sister would take us after school and to just tell my mom I was going to study at her house. So I texted my mom to tell her I was going to Kenzi's to study after school. Mom replied "Ok, have fun and be careful. I love you, Aspen!" I said "I will. Love you, 2 mom."

After school got out Kenzi's sister took us straight to the clinic. They had me pee in a cup and then I had to wait alone in a very dimly lit room. The lady came in with a clipboard and something that looked like a fortune from a fortune cookie or something. She said "Okay, the results are in. The test came back positive." What positive? Positive for what? "Ummm. Ma'am, positive for what?" With a big sigh, she said "You're pregnant honey. Congratulations!" Shocked I said "PREGNANT?!" No no no! I can't be a mom, I'm only 14! My mother is going to kill me! How could this have happened? Brycen and I only had sex one time... OMG! Brycen... What was I going to tell him? The lady replied "Yes darling. You are pregnant, you're going to be a mom. We can do an ultrasound if you'd like to know how far along you are?" I thought about it for a moment and then replied with a bit of a shake in my voice "Y-y-yes please." She said with a smile "Ok sweetie, it will be just a moment. If you'd like, you can get your friends from the waiting room."

Moments later we get called back to the ultrasound room. The woman said, "Lay down and pull up your shirt." I did as she said. She then put some cold gel on my stomach and began rubbing a wand thing on it. Seconds later she found the baby, then I could hear its little beating heart. I cried as soon as I heard it, it was all so real now. Kenzi said "WOW! It looks like a real baby!" Her sister replied "That's because it is! Congrats Aspen!" I was speechless. Then the lady measured the baby. She told me "Ok, it looks like the baby is measuring at about 13 weeks 2 days give or take a week or so. That's a little over 3 months." Kenzi looked at me with wide eyes... She knew that was about 1 month after I met Brycen.

A few more weeks had passed and I was really starting to show by this point. I had to think of a way to tell my parents and Brycen. By this point, I was about 4 ½ months along. I decided that it was about the right time to tell my parents, my mom in particular.

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