Chapter 1

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All I can think about is getting out of this hell hole. I'm so tired of being here, 14 years of my life waisted in being locked up in a basement. Yes, you heard it right. A basement. I'm adopted, Karen and Jimmy McLant (my adoptive parents) always made sure to tell me that. They're the worst people you could ever meet. They have 8 kids of their own and treat them like angels because as they always say "The white should be treated like royalty, they're the superior race". So you may be asking yourself, why should they adopt me? Funny story they like to make fun with people of color.

I can't say their whole family is bad because they're not. If it wasn't for their two oldest kids, Liam and Charlotte, I wouldn't have learned to read or write. Every time they would get out of school since they were little they would bring me anything for me to read, books, magazines, news papers and anything that I could learn with.

I wasn't always in the basement, they would let me out sometimes when they needed for the entire house to be clean and you couldn't even leave a spot or they would notice. I have tried to escape but when I'm out of the basement they put a high tech collar around my neck that shocks me as soon as I step out of the house. I have also tried to contact the authorities but they never believe me because Karen and Jimmy have this whole story made up that I have a mental illness so it never works.

All they tell me is that I was adopted when I was 5 but I don't believe them because I can't remember anything before that age like at all. I should've remembered if I had a family or at least when I was in the system but I don't remember anything at all. One day I will find out what happened to me and if my parents didn't want me or maybe something happened to them.

Jimmy and Karen each have their own thing. Jimmy likes to be physical and a racist bitch who is against everything that brings people happiness, him and Trump could've honestly got together, thank god he's dead though. Now Karen is just a basic Karen, she likes to be abusive too but more on the mental side. I honestly don't know how the police haven't noticed how abusive they are, Karen literally a new bruise every day.

I might get beaten and hate these people's guts but I don't think I'm depressed. You would think I am because of everything I go through but I actually like to think about when I get out of here and not of all the things they've done to me.


Charlotte and Liam told me they're all going out on a vacation tomorrow and no one will be home so they thought it was a good time for me to try to escape. They've been the ones trying to help me get out of here. They somehow got a copy of the locks on the basement door and gave them to me behind their father's back.

It's 5:00 am according to the watch Charlotte gave me, and I'm getting ready to leave as soon as the McLant's head out of their vacation. I pack a few things but it's not like I really have anything valuable here. I've seen the outside of the house (picture above) so I know there isn't much people around here, the closes are a couple of miles away.

Around 7:am I hear the van pulling away and from my little window I can see as they turn a corner. I wait about 10 minutes and then start opening the door. There's like 6 locks on this rusty thing so it takes me a little to figure it out. When I finally open all the locks, I make sure to close them so it's not obvious I left when they come back. I run down the hall with my small bag in hand, I turn a corner to go to the living room and look out the window because it's the only window that shows both the driveway and the street corner. Once I see they're not in sight, I start heading out the door.

As soon as I step outside I can feel a chilly breeze and see all the leaves that were up in the trees now on the floor. I run the opposite way that the McLant's took to have a better chance of not running into them. I know these streets because I've most of my time since I've tried to escape looking at maps.

I've walked 20 blocks already and I think it's best to take the bus towards the city because Charlotte told me they were going out of state so they're not headed this way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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