Chapter 1

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Love's P.O.V

Just two months.

Just fucking two months.

Those words seems to repeat in my head everyday.

In two months I'll turn 18 years old. A legal person. I'll be able to escape this hell they call foster care. Get my own shelter and do whatever I want without getting scared of being caught.

School will always be my escape, I mean the library to be specific. School will start on monday and today is Saturday so I have time to prepare for my last senior year in high school.

Some people call school a hell on earth, but it's heaven for me. I can read every book I want without stealing them. Cause that's my life, I steal to survive when I discover my ability even if I have jobs. I literally save every penny I can get.

I actually stayed outside since I have 3 jobs to attend and I would just eat, sleep and take a shower when I'm in my room or should I say the foster care room.

I work as a cashier on a starbucks, in a library, I only help the old lady there, but it's money and I don't really mind cause she usually give me books and a cashier in an antique store that barely have costumer, but it's money, you know. I need it.

I don't really like staying here on the foster care house. One. I don't have any friends. Two. The children, teenagers or even the adults get scared of me and I don't have any idea why but, I'm used to it now.

I just don't care.

And I have secrets. A lot.

I have super speed. Super strength. Super hearing. It's like all my senses heightened when I turned 14 but it's vaguely there. I can't notice it until the day pass quickly than I can imagine and now I'm turning 18, I became more aware that my abilities were getting stronger everyday.

I slowly learn about them especially in my condition. I'm always alone. With my own big world full of questions.

But thanks to this mysterious person who sents me letter.
Yes. A random stranger sents me letter about me being a super natural. A vampire to be specific. I don't believe it at first though.

It started sending me letters when I turned 14. Ironic right?

It's when I noticed the changes in my body, but I embrace it. I also started believing this mysterious person sending me and still believes until now.

It's just...

There's something comforting about the papers scent like the one who wrote it gives me a support on everything that happened in my life, like I just have to believe it or must believe it cause it's my guide--

There's a knock in the door that pulls me out of my trance. Without looking, I heard the door open slightly creating a squeaking sound.

Mrs. Saddy peeks her head out, looking for any presence and when she saw me she smile and walk towards the bed I'm seated. She was like the mother of everyone here. But she usually avoids me for the reason I already mentioned.

"Hey Love." She says smiling at me.

I nod. She's used to this kind of behavior I have. She sits down at the end of my bed.

"Have you eaten already?" She asked. Concern laced in her soft motherly voice.

I nod once more. Not making an effort to look at her. I don't want her to get scared, cause I will definitely asked her a lot of questions.

"Can I ask you about myself Mrs. Saddy? I don't really know how I end up being here." I asked my voice emotionless. I already hear her heart beating so fast by now. So I keep looking down. Scared she might run away.

"You were found outside of this house in bloody basket." She started and shuddered slightly but I've seen it.

I took a deep breath, this is the first time I asked about what really happened to me.

"We looked around for a sign and saw a trail of blood, we follow it with scared face and pumping heart, but we lost track, we just go home and take good care of you. There's a letter on your basket that's why we know your name.

She handed me an old looking paper. I took and keep it in my hand indicating that I want to hear more.

"We thought you were a boy back then, you know, but when we read the letter we understand it already and here you are now. Just know nothing is wrong with you, okay? You're special." She told me.

I look up to meet her gaze and she suddenly flinch and bow her head.
I get that reaction a lot when I make eye contact with someone.

I'm used to it now.

I noticed her hair is more white, no specks of black. Her once smooth skin was now a wrinkled thin. That's maybe because of her age or she have a health problem. Her once light blue eyes is now dull that looked like she wouldn't last long in this world, that eyes looks like it already have a contact that she won't last long and needed to be taken away.

But I wasn't faze to the thought of her death because that's life, so I continued.

"Why's everyone is scared of me?" My voice become more monotone as those words left my mouth.

Mrs. Saddy looked down. In a submissive way. I came to conclusion that that's a vampire effect. That makes your body involuntarily do such things that you are not able to stop.

"You have this aura around you that's saying 'stay away from me' it was really dark." She told me. Her voice getting quite.

Vampire effects. I smirked.

"I should leave so you could rest." She stated standing up and pointing at the letter she gave me.

I nod. And she's out of my room. I was debating whether I would open this letter or not. It may hold a deep secret or a message for me. It's funny how a single letter can make everything clear. How would a letter can change your life forever, how a single old paper with happy or sad thoughts in it than can make you cry or smile.

I'm scared to deal with the sadness yet I'm excited because what if I read a letter that can make me happy? That can make me whole? But what if it will destroy me more? What if it brought sad thoughts instead of a happy one?

I'm scared to know the truth, I'm scared of the painful truth that this letter would brought, but I can't be happy with lies forever.

So I looked at the letter and sighed heavily.

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