Chapter 16

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Chapter 17

Love's P.O.V

Devastated. Devastated is what I'm feeling right now. I'm a bit anxious to know what's Jasmine's reaction if I ignore her. Like I'm gone for a week and I just want to cuddle with her.

But guess what. I can't! My brother told me that I'll be super duper mega horny that I can't stop myself. Like, I don't even feel that now.

My strides slow down as I near her classroom and again, guess what! She's so beautiful as ever, she's standing by the door, greeting her students. By now I stop walking and just stare at her.

I have three options now. One, I'll go there and make love to her by the door, two, skip class. And three just walk past her and ignore her, Damn the first one is a big NO!

Or yes? The other side of my brain spoke.

No, no one will see her naked!

And? Oh! I'm not going to argue with myself right now.

I froze. Like literally froze! We made eye contact and the familiar arousal I feel, the one my brother's been saying came.

I flinch and immediately look down, continuing my journey to her classroom and glad that she didn't try to talk to me. It's funny when people used to bow down for me but now I'm doing it but for my mate only.

I sit down head still bowing and I still can feel her burning gaze. The morning bell rung.

"Good morning class and it's nice to have you back Ms. Harpy. It would be a good idea if you stay after class. Your grade is going down because of the week you're not here. "

I looked up and notice a box in my desk, I stare at the item and noticed my name on it. I grabbed it still confused.

"And belated happy birthday Ms. Harpy the person who gave that to you must be in love with you because she waited for you to take it for almost a week."


"So as I was saying, Romeo and Juliet could be lust or love?" She continued like she just didn't greet me. She's the one who gave me this and I couldn't get any happier.

She would glance at me every now and then, I just held the box in me as she keep on asking a lot of question about this Romeo and Juliet lust or love and guess she's run out of any student.

"Ms. Harpy, do you have any comment about Romeo and Juliet?"

I stand up. "Romeo and Juliet was a lust and love."

"Care to explain?" The teacher demand.

"I think you all notice that I first mentioned the lust then love. We never know what will happen sooneror later. Now you just look at this person because they are beautiful or sexy or hot and that's when you became lustful, you get to spend time with them and they would show their attitude, the real them and the next you know, you just fell in love. You will die for love, and that's what they did. It's not love when it's not madness. "Every speech I have is for her. I want to tell her that I'm in love with her.

She cleared her throat. "That's a very nice opinion Ms. Harpy. You must be in love and how lucky this person is." She was chuckle but it's clear to her voice that she's hurt.

Did she really think that I'm not interested with her anymore? She's my fucking mate for gods sake!

"And please take your booklet and there's a question there for you to answer. "

I take the booklet and open it.

Stay after class.

That's the first sentence I notice in a sticky note. I look up and she's already staring at me. I nodded slowly and she release a sigh of relief.

What is love? What is lust? Would you die for your loved ones? The question that the booklet have.

I didn't even think twice in writing her name in the first question, I know she's the only one who'll read this, why not confess already right? This might be cliche but I know she didn't expect this. Gotta hope she wouldn't throw this away.

After the class that's full of Romeo and Juliet the bell rung everyone run out of the class but I stayed behind. When the last student leave,my teacher lock her door and goes back to her desk.

"Explain why you are not here for the last five days of class Ms. Harpy."

"I think that's none of your business Ms. Perez." Bad choice of words because after saying that, hurt is visible in her face.

I think this is a good idea so she wouldn't talk to me for a long time. Damn, what was I thinking?

"It's my business because I've been worried about you because you choose to ignore my messages. You have no idea how worried I am, Love. Don't ask me why because I don't have any idea why I'm feeling this way." Every word that my brother told me seems to vanish in my mind as I feel the rush of adrenaline and cage her in my arms.

I ignore the sweet sweet call of her blood running through her veins begging to be suck.



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