The petal of the heart

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Yamaguchi POV
In the morning
When i had gotten up i went to Hinatas dorm to see if he wanted to go for a run with me but Hinata was passed out with puffy eyes so I left him to sleep and went downstairs to go for my run when I saw terushima sitting outside on the ground with the nice breeze blowing against his hair. When I saw him I froze and little did I know I was a blushing mess and my heart was beating as fast as a race car racing to win. When he looked over at me I jumped trying to cover my face so he wouldn't see me as a blushing mess but he got up and walked towards me which made me freeze. "Hey freckles~" terushima said to me with a teasy voice that really got to me.
3rd person
"H-hey terushima-kun" yams managed to stutter out while looking like a strawberry
Get it cus he has freckles and green hair so it makes him a strawberry😏💀 i know I'm not funny💀💀)

"You wanna hang out with me freckles?" Terushima asked the strawberry that couldn't even talk so then he managed to say "s-sure s-sounds fun" yams said while still looking like a strawberry. That's when saltyshima came in and saw the cute little strawberry and the piercing boy just "talking". "So freckles how about tonight at 6:00 we can meet at the gates and then go star gazing~" terushima said hoping the little strawberry would say yes. "Ya that sounds really fun" yams said not being that big of a blushing mess anymore. "Ok see you later tonight freckles~" terushima said before leaving yams there happy yet blushing is which got saltyshimas attention. Tsukkishima had walked over to yamaguchi. "What's all this about yamaguchi are you and that piercing boy going out now or something?!" Tsukishima said with a furious voice. "Why do you care?" Yams said confused. "You really are a slut first you tell me that you like me and want to date but now your moving on within a day to another boy?!" Tsukishima said with his saltiness "I didn't think you would be such a slut but at the same time you agreed to dress like a girl so you really are a slut." Tsukishima said before walking away leaving yams insecure and trying cover his whole body with his hands with teary eyes. When he had started walking to the girls dorm he started crying because of what he was just called by the tall salty bitch. When he got to the girls dorm kiyoko was outside waiting for him. "Yams what happened?!" Kiyoko yelled to the little crying boy. "C-can we talk I-inside please.." yams said quietly
In the girls dorm
"So what happened yams?" All the girls had asked and the one boy. "W-well I was talking to terushima earlier and.........."
After explaining cus I'm a lazy bitch😌✌️✨
"HE SAID WHAT?!!!!!" All the girls had yelled plus the one boy. "Oh imma go beat a French fries ass right now!" Hana yelled with flames in her eyes. "Ya imma go beat the living shit out of a beanpole!!" Kaori yelled with a dark aura coming from her.
After all the girls calmed down and got the two boys dressed
"Alright you two look perfect" Hana said with a smirk.
The two boys had been wearing knee high socks, booty shorts, and a short shirt.
"Ehhh this feels weird Kiyoko" the two boys said. "Nah you two look hot and cute" kaori said while making an ok sign with her fingers.
When they got to the gym the two boys had gone to the bench.
"Hi Suga" Hinata said with a bright smile giving off a sunshine aura. "Hi Suga" yams said with the cute little smile he has. "Hi you two cmon sit down and wait for a bit ok" Suga said with his sweet calming smile. When they were sitting yams noticed they were going against johenzi and got excited but then Tsukishima noticed and got real angry and started to give terushima really salty glares that made terushima weirded out. When they were going against each other yams had been really happy to go against terushima and was first to serve so he showed off his amazing jump float serve making terushima amazed and liking yams even more.
After the match was over karasuno won of course.
Yams was going to lunch when terushima grabbed him from behind hugging him which scared yams at first but then made him blush. "You were so cool out there when you did that serve freckles!! You need to teach me" terushima insisted hugging the little strawberry

(Whenever I see strawberries now imma think of yams😐)
"Oh sure I'll teach you" yams said nicely. "Yay thanks freckles also wanna eat lunch with me today?" Terushima asked. "Oh su-." Yams had been cut off by Tsukishima which he had said. "Sorry to interrupt your little conversation but ima need to take him back to our team." Tsukishima said being the salty bitch he is once again. "Uhm I wasn't talking to you glasses I was talking to freckles here.." terushima said slightly angry. "Well you wouldn't want to hang out with a slut so I'm gonna take him a back to our team now bye." Tsukishima said which made terushima mad. "Hey freckles wanna come with me and eat lunch you can invite mini Spider-Man if you want?" Terushima said nicely to yams. "Ya I'll come lemme go get Hinata really quick ok" yams said with his smile running oof to get the ball of sunshine. When yams left terushima started giving Tsukishima the death glare and then......

I know I'm such a great person for leaving a cliff hanger I know 😌✨✨ also hope you enjoyed this chapter I'll start the second one soon but I won't post it right away like I did this one but ya hope you liked it and be ready for the next chapter~
Also thank you so much BobbaTeaMint 
For always reading and for your support
Word count:1038

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