The gossip

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3rd person

When they got to the dorm they had gotten some tea and some snacks to eat while they had their gossip session. "So what do you know about terushima supposedly liking me?" Yams said questioning Hinata. "So what I know is basically whenever he looks at you he has this bright pink blush in his cheeks which look as pink as a newborn baby's cheeks, and when he looks at you that shade of pink gets darker." Hinata said getting yams excited about what he was hearing which made Hinata smirk since he wanted to get yams and teru together. "N-no way are for reals!!?" Yams said with a small smile while questioning Hinata. "I'm 100% sure he likes you so I may or may not have set up a little confession timing for you..." Hinata said smirking while looking away guilty. "YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?" Yams yelled. "Hey it's to help you get with terushima now meet him at 10:00 tonight when the stars and the moon is out, you'll be meeting him at the gym~" Hinata teased yams. "F-fine I'll go only if you show me a picture of you and kageyama together~" yams said to get back at Hinata. "Fine it's a deal then lemme grab my phone and I'll show you a picture" Hinata said walking to his bed to get his phone while yams was eating some cookies. "Ok look this is my favorite picture!" Hinata said excited.
Fyi I'm putting the picture at the bottom when this chapter is done sorry🥺😊

"You guys look so cute it's so wholesome!!" Yams said being a little fanboy and squealing while Hinata was also squealing. "I know right it's my favorite one I have of us!!" Hinata yelled with a big smile that lit up the whole room with happiness.
10:00 at the gym
Terushima pov

He should be here by now... did I just get pranked by one of my teammates geez I should've known this was to good to be true... what if he doesn't even like me and thinks I'm a complete weirdo and doesn't even like talking to me?!. Oh no what if he actually likes that salt shaker and then is just messing with me?! What if he thinks I'm ugly and doesn't like my team nor me... he might not even like hanging out with me but just is since he's nice like that and is just doing so he doesn't hurt my feelings and he doesn't even like me and wishes he never met me?! Oh no now I'm overthinking that I'm getting weird knots in my stomach.

3rd person

"H-hey terushima" yams said blushing really hard. "Ah!!" Terushima yelled jumping up. "Holy crap you scared my freckles!" Teru said looking at yams chuckling since he got scared by the little strawberry. "S-sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" Yams said worried for teru while looking at teru shaking his arms bowing down apologizing non-stop. "Hey calm down freckles it wasn't that bad I just spaced out and got a little frightened that's all." Teru said giggling at yams since he looked cute apologizing non-stop. "So freckles what did you need? Teru said trying not to sound suspicious about how he liked him. "W-well uhm I've needed to tell you this for a while and I really wanted to tell you today..." yams said looking down. "Cmon freckles spit it out already it's cold in here." Teru said. " I-I..... I LIKE YOU AND I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WOULD GO OUT WITH ME!!" Yelled and then falling losing balance and blushing really hard while tearing up looking at the ground. "W-what?" "Wait really?!" "I feel the same exact same way I just thought you didn't feel the same way." Terushima said while rubbing the back of his neck. Yamaguchi looked up to see Terushima with a stupidly big smile while rubbing his neck and he started to smile as well. "So wanna go out freckles?" Terushima says looking at yams which made him blush and smile. "Ya let's do that" yams said getting up and hugging Terushima when all they hear is clapping? When they look to where the clapping was coming from to see a little tangerine clapping while holding a camera. "Wait you were here the whole time?!" Both the blushing boys said at the same time in shock. "Obviously I set this whole thing up for you two to get together and now look~" Hinata said with a sassy tone and smirking. "Oh my god mini spider-man you set this whole thing up?!" teru said jumping up and down happy but also shocked. "yes now let's go to my dorm you guys can sleep in the bed i'll sleep on the couch since my dorm is closest." hinata said walking away while the two boys followed behind him.

When they got to the dorm

"alright i'll be in the kitchen preparing some tea so you two can sit in my room" hinata said going to the kitchen. The two boys had gone to hinata's room and left hinata in the kitchen which was fine since he was preparing tea. When hinata had finished the tea he went to the room and gave the two boys some tea and cookies and then went to the couch and put a movie on and sat down and watched T.V while eating cookies and drinking tea. The two boys had just lied down next to each other and started to cuddle and then fell asleep. While hinata was watching T.V he heard a knock so he paused the T.V and put his cookies down on the coffee table and put his tea down but almost spilled it and then got up from the couch and started to walk to the door to see who it was that's when he saw......

hope you enjoyed jk im not leaving a cliff hanger XD

he saw kageyama standing at the doorway and looked up and kageyama was looking down on him with a little blush on his cheeks with a small smile. "h-hey kageyama I didn't know you were coming over today" hinata said blushing looking like a red orange. "well yea I missed you and wanted to see you.." kageyama said also looking like a red blueberry. "c-come in and you can watch movie with me, and we can drink tea and eat some cookies" hinata said pulling kageyama into his dorm. He pulled kageyama into the dorm and sat him on the couch. "we have to be quiet though since terushima and yams are in my room ok." hinata whispers to kageyama.

alright thats the end of the chapter its not a cliffhanger for once XD but hope you enjoyed it and the next chapter will have a little bit of some smut so if you dont want to read that skip the next chapter for fluffy again and hope you have a good day/night 

also you all are now considered my children 

also heres the picture 

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