3rd person When Hinata had gotten there he didn't see Hajime then when he was about to look around someone grabbed him with a cloth over his mouth which made him pass out. When Hinata had woken up all he saw was darkness around him and he could feel stuff on his wrist that felt like chains? He could feel a cool breeze on home like he was shirtless so he had started to struggle when he heard a familiar voice... "hey cutie miss me~" hajime said. "W-where a-am I?!!" Hinata yelled at hajime being scared for his life when he felt something grab him. "Oh cutie just be happy that your with me and you won't have to worry about anything~" hajime whispered into Hinatas ear. Hinata had notice that him yamaguchi have a secret tracker on each other in case something like this ever happened. When hajime took the blindfold off Hinata he walked out of the room leaving Hinata alone. When Hinata had noticed about the tracker he had pushed his hand so it would alarm Yamaguchi that something had happened. Hinata had been hoping it still worked praying. With yamaguchi and terushima When yamaguchi was on his little date with terushima the tracker he had started to ring. "What's that freckles?" Terushima asked yams with at tilted head. "Hinata rang the tracker that's not good hes in trouble." Yams said grabbing his phone connecting the tracker with his phone being scared and told terushima that he had to go help Hinata. "Wait what happened to mini Spider-Man?!" Terushima asked being worried at the same time. After explaining about the tracker and stuff "Now do you understand we need to go to this location and help him" yams said getting up which got terushima to get up and follow him. When they got to the location "This place looks real sketchy no wonder they would bring him here.." yams said. When ghey got inside they could here someone crying while also screaming. They had started to follow the noises to come into a room where Hinata was tied up and hajime was on top of him forcing himself onto Hinata while he would struggle. "Who the fuck are you guys?!?" Hajime yelled wondering where the two boys came from. "That's my best friend now get off home before I beat your ass." Yams said with a deadly aura. "As if he know he has no choice but to listen to me so shoo you little boys." Hajime said. When yams looked at Hinata he saw he was crying and couldn't breath. That's when yams grabbed hajime and threw him off of Hinata and grabbed Hinata hugging him. "Listen to me next time or I'll call the cops bitch." Yams said to hajime. Hajime had gotten really mad about it and was about to grab yams when terushima punched him and started to beat the living shit out of home and making him have a bloody nose. The two boys had started to fight while yams was taking his sweater off and putting it on Hinata so he wouldn't be cold. When yams looked at terushima he saw hajime knocked out on the ground while terushima had a bloody nose. When the three boys had left they called the cops and left hajime knocked out. When they got back to the training camp yams had taken Hinata to his dorm with terushima and they all just sat In there with each other. "Are you ok hinata?.." yams said making sure he was ok. "Y-yea I'm ok..." Hinata said with a slight smile that made him kinda happy. When the training camp found out Suga had gone into mama mode not letting any boy near Hinata except yams. But in the end everyone was ok and they continued the training camp and that's when yamaguchi and terushima were always together~. The next day When it was morning of course the two boys had gone to the girls dorm and gotten their clothes and then went to the gym and that's where yams had seen terushima and walked over to him while Hinata had ran to kageyama. When yams went to terushima they had hugged and started to talk and just were having fun making weird jokes that weren't even funny but they had just been laughing like it was the end of the world. When they started to practice everyone had noticed Hinata had been all happy about everything and was really energetic that got everyone else happy and more energized and they were practicing. "Hey Hinata you seem happy what's up?" Yams asked the ball of sunshine and that's what made Hinata jump up. "Well you see me and kageyama are dating now and he said he would buy me meat-buns tonight~" Hinata said with a big smile that looked like the sun. "Ooo~ you and him belong together~" yams said to Hinata which made them both giggle which made kags and terushima start to blush. "What about you and terushima aren't you two dating~?" Hinata asked yams with a smirk. "W-what no we're just friends" yams said blushing. "But it would be better if we were more than friends..." yams whispered to where Hinata could hear. "I knew it!!" Hinata yelled which made yams into a strawberry and he tried covering Hinatas mouth. "You know he likes you to right?" Hinata whispered to yams. "W-what no way he does?!" Yams whisper yelled. That's when everyone In the gym was just looking at the two boys wondering what they were talking about since they looked like two girls gossiping about boys. "Y-your lying there's no way!" Yams whisper yelled. "I'm not lying I know he does just because the way he looks at you~" Hinata teased yams. "R-really?!" Yams whisper yelled again. When the two boys were still gossiping Suga came up to them and told them that their break was over and they had to practice again. "I'll tell you more later ok~" Hinata said walking away from yams winking which meant to meet him at his dorm so they could talk more gossip.
That's the end of the chapter hope you liked it and I'll start working on the next chapter later and post it right away
Word count: 1063
Here's some teruyama and kagehina pictures
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