Chapter 1

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"Welcome to university of Westminster. I'm your tour guide today and I'll be showing you around the grounds of the concourse and dorms and other facilities that'll be no use to you, like for example the gym...." A chorus of people start to laugh and I just plop my hand luggage down beside me, swatting at beads of sweat on my head. Its not this hot usually, especially in London. However the some seemed to be adament in torturing us pale Brits today.

"So if you'd just follow me, I'll lead you around." The young hyperactive bloke, who stood preppy in front if us with his white and black Westminster logo top and kahki bottoms, spun on his heels and walked inside the first building of what seemed like a very long tour. I mean this place is huge, I still can't believe I'm here. It's a long shot from Ireland. A real long shot. I've never been to London in my life. I've been close. Londonderry for a funeral but that's about as close I've gotten. I gawped at the building it was grand but contemporary like it'd been redone. Professors and TAs walked around busily engrossed in a conversation with each other and holding coffee mugs. Students bussled up and down the stairs and around the corridors. It was lound but everyone had swift, quick movements.

"This is the new reception building. Over there is the reception where you'll meet Dorris and Lorna..." Two elderly women cooed and wagged their fingers as hello to us.

"And this is also where the headmaster office is and other departments like, english, maths, excetra, excetra. Hopefully none of you will be visiting the headmaster anytime soon." Another synchronized sound of laughs filled the hallway. I could tell by the way everyone kept laughing, they were nervous and trying to make a good impression first time. I think Marvin or whatever he calls himself who's guiding us, has noticed too.

"Here is the Mantra Student Services. This place is where you report everything. Crimes, theft, fights, illness, absences. Whatever. You come here. Those of you who will be living on site will be expected to walk here to explain yourselves those who don't the numbers will be emailed to you." Friendships were already forming and people giggled and chatted amongst ourselves as we were being dragged everywhere.

After a few buildings, and me just being vague and tedious at the back, we finally got to the final part of the tour. The sports arena.

"Why's it called an Arena?" An egaer Asian boy said with a notebook and pen in his hand. You'd think he'd be taking noted for an exam the way he's consistently writing.

"We call it an Arena because we get a lot of outsiders wanting to hire it for parties and what not. Its also called arena because it's sounds ... I don't know .... Professional? Uuummm and literally has everything in it."

The Asian nodded in agreement as if to say he really understood Marvin but really he was just being a goody goody.

"Okay so there's no point me trying to explain to you everyroom , you'll pretty much explore and get to know this yourselves, just know all sports facilities are in one place" Heaving our luggage up some flight of stairs, we reached the gym.

"This is the gym. Lots of equipment here and you can spend as long as you like here. Its included in your fees so its sort of free. "

The gym was just full of boys and girls but mostly boys trying to tone up and girls trying to flirt. Ughh how classy. Marvin waved quickly at a few boys that seemed to be his friends, just hanging by the running machine. More people asked questions but my mind wondered off. I love the gym, I really do. But I don't know if I could hack it in here. There are more boys in here than in my hometown. Its crazy. As I was glancing around and contemplating whether to sign up, one of Marvin's friends caught my eye and we had a few seconds of eye contact. Cringe. I looked away quick enough but in the corner of my eye I could see his friends fist punching the air and routing for him as if to encourage him.


What idiots. I'm not interested and still haven't whole hearterly broke up with Neil back home. I told him I'll explain later but really he didn't know I was moving away. I loved him but it was a fresh start for me. And he didn't want to go to uni but I did. "Why do you want to go so much? You're trying to get away from innit?!" He would scream.

"What so me following my dream to become physiotherapist is getting away from you?"

"Yeah it is.... In a way."

"Look Neil if you don't want to go, don't stop someone else. You should be helping me and supporting me to do well.... Not threatening you'd lock me in the bathroom. " I say ripping the tags off a primark blouse I bought and folding it neatly into the suitcase.

"I just .... I just don't want u to go over there. You don't know it well." He comes behind me, sliding his arms through mine and around my waist. He Nuzzled in my hair.

"I know, but I'll make friends and I'll call you every night.... I promise." I turn around and hook my arms around his neck.

"You sure?" We intertwined in a long intimate French kiss before I reply "I promise."

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