Lucky Winner

624 17 3

Lucy POV

I'm sat looking at my laptop in total disbelief, on the screen in front of me is an email telling me I won the meet Jeff Hardy competition. I had entered the competition with absolutely no expectations of winning, I mean I can only imagine the number of entries they must get for this kind of thing. It's like a one in a million chance and there it is in black and white that I have won.

Fortunately it's in my home town of Cameron so no travelling required, I've lived here all my life, 30 years to be exact and it's crazy to think he lives in the same town and yet I have never seen him around. Don't get me wrong I am not one of those crazy fans who make it there life's mission to bump into him it's just this is a small town and you would think I would have seen him at least once.

I continue to stare at the screen, at this point I am convinced I'm reading the email wrong. I decide the best thing to do is get some one else to read it for me. I cross the room and grab my phone. I'll text Emily see if she's free.

Me: Hey Em, you free?

Emily: As a bird

Me: Can you come over I need your help?

Emily: On my way

I sit back down in front of my laptop, in a few minutes Emily will read this and tell me I've got it wrong. I'm still staring at the screen when Emily walks in.

"So what can I help you with?" she ask with a big smile

"Um...could you read this for me, I don't think I'm reading it right" I say shifting over so she can sit down. She looks at the screen and begins to read, her eyes get wider and her mouth drops open.

"What exactly is it that you think you read wrong?" she asks not looking away from the screen

"The part that says I won" I say freaking out a little

"Well Lu if you are reading it wrong then so am I" she says "Looks like your going to meet Jeff Hardy tomorrow"

"Tomorrow!.....I didn't see that bit" I say looking over her shoulder, Emily turns to face me and smiles "come on lucky winner lets go get some lunch and maybe a new outfit"

Jeff POV

"Aw man this sucks" I say looking at my phone screen "I gotta do a damn meet and greet tomorrow"

I hate those things, sitting there for an hour while some girl freaks out and tells me how much she loves me. I've done hundreds of these things and they never get any easier. Once or twice the fan has been that crazy it's freaked me out. I never should of agreed to that stupid competition.

"Maybe you'll get a normal girl this time" Matt laughs, even he knows that won't happen

"Come on man you and I both know I don't have normal fans" I sigh "they take extreme to the extreme"

I lay back down on the sun lounger and sigh, a normal girl would be nice, hell a normal conversation would be nice but it ain't going to happen. 

"Did they give you her name?" Matt ask splashing me with pool water

"Cut it out man....I don't know I'll check" I say grabbing my phone and opening the email "Yeah it's Lucy.......oh great" I sigh throwing my phone back down

"what's up?" Matt says laying on the other sun lounger

"She's from Cameron" I say "She's probably one of those crazy bitches that wait by my mailbox"

"Yeah or she could be a really nice girl" Matt says trying to reassure me "at least give her the benefit of the doubt instead of judging her by your other fans"

"fine" I say throwing my hands up "but if she shows even a hint of crazy I am leaving"

Lucy POV

"Emily for the hundredth time I do not need a new outfit" I sigh as she drags me round racks of clothing. "It's a meet and greet for gods sake not a date"

"you still need to look nice" she smiles "besides when was the last time you bought new clothes" I look at her and think for a second "I bought a new pair of jeans three weeks ago" I say sure I've won the argument but she raises an eyebrow at me.

"That was because your ripped your old ones" she sighs "come on it's not like I am asking you to wear a dress"

"alright fine" I give in, she claps her hands and continues going through the racks of clothing until she finds something she likes, she holds up a pair of smart jeans and a long sleeved cold shoulder top "what about this?" she says excitedly, I look over the outfit and it's actually quite nice I nod "Yeah I like it".

She rushes me over to the checkout before I can change my mind. I pay for the outfit and we leave the store.

"what if he turns out to be a complete ass" I sigh

"simple you leave" she smiles "your not there to take attitude"

I have no illusions for this meet and greet, I know who they are in the ring is not who they are outside of the ring. If he turns out to be an ass it will be disappointing but not a surprise, I mean he must do hundreds of these things he's bound to be sick of them.

After spending most of the day with Emily I head home. I hang up my new clothes and change into my sweats. I sit down in front on the TV and check over the email one last time. Tomorrow 10am. I set an alarm on my phone and switch on the TV. I flick aimlessly through the channels finding nothing to watch.

I switch off the TV and decide to have an early night, ready for whatever tomorrow brings. 

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