The Meeting

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Jeff POV

I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a coffee, I can't wait to get this morning over with. I slide onto a stool at my kitchen counter and sip my drink. I can think of a million different ways I would rather spend my morning but there's no way to get out of this. Don't get me wrong I love my fans but the ones that turn up to these things are crazy.

"what the hell are you wearing" Matt shouts scaring me half to death.

"Damn it Matt stop creeping up on me" I growl "what are you doing here anyway?"

"Good morning to you too" he laughs "Just making sure your all set for this morning, and I repeat what the hell are you wearing?"

"What's it look like?....Sweats and a hoodie" I snap

"Jeff you can not go looking like that Vince will flip his wig" he says shaking his head

"god damn....fine I'll change" I say stomping back up to my room, he's right I have to at least be presentable. I throw on some different clothes and head back down stairs.

"there better?" I say giving him a twirl

"Much" he says smiling "you know  you're going to have to snap out of that mood before you go right?" he asks

"I know" I sigh rubbing my face "I will"

I finish my coffee, grab my keys and head in to town.... lets get this over with.

Lucy POV

I head into town following the directions provided and I am pretty sure they have led me to an unused building. Well this is just great. I have 30 minutes before I have to be there and I am lost. I take out my phone and open google maps, I enter the street name and building number and it tells me I'm there.

"Can I help you" I turn and see a man standing by the building with equipment around him.

"Yeah, I'm supposed to be going to a meet and greet but the directions they gave brought me here" I explain

"Are you Lucy?" he asks

"Yeah that's me" I reply "How do you know my name?"

"I'm Luke, I'm going to be taking the photos today" he explains "Jeff is inside if you want to follow me" he heads in to the building but I don't follow I'm not convinced. He comes back out and walks back to me "It's OK it's safe, I know it looks strange but you'll see when you get inside"

I follow slowly still unsure but once I step inside I see what he means, it's fully furnished and decorated. "It's intended to look unused" Luke explains "That way we can do things like this without the superstars getting mobbed"

"Smart idea, I like it" I smile "so what happens now?" I ask

Luke smiles and motions for me to follow him, he leads me into another room, it's a long room with everything set up at the far end. That's when I spot Jeff, he's laughing with one of the crew, I always thought he was attractive but damn in the flesh he's hot.

Jeff POV

I see Luke coming over which means she must be here, I brace myself ready for her to be all over me.

"Jeff this is Lucy the competition winner" Luke says moving to one side

I turn to look at her fully expected tears and hysterics, lets get this show on the.......whoa the woman standing in front of me is beautiful, there's not a single tear on her face and she is completely calm.

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