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Jeff POV

Lucy is fast asleep on the couch and I'm sat in the chair beside her holding her hand when Matt finally gets back from the station.

"Hey man how'd it go" I whisper

"They are going to start looking for her. At the very least they will get her for vandalism" he whispers back

"Thanks man, I appreciate it" I whisper tapping his arm

"Where's Emily" he asks looking around the room

"Guest room, asleep" I say "why don't you stay here tonight, no sense waking her"

Matt nods and heads up to the guest room, I look at Lucy and I don't want to wake her up so I lift her off the couch and carry her to our room. I put her to bed then strip down to my boxers and get in beside her. She turns over and cuddles into me rest her arm on my stomach. I place my hand on hers and close my eyes.

Next Morning

Lucy POV

When I wake up I'm alone, I hear noise from the kitchen so I assume Jeff is making breakfast. I decide to go wake Emily up and head to the guest room, I knock gently and open the door.

"Oh Matt yes"


I slam the door shut and then jump when I find Jeff behind me.

"You ok baby" he asks looking concerned "I heard you shot"

"Emily.....Matt....they're" I stutter

"Oh" Jeff says laughing

"You knew" I gasp

"Well I knew he was going to ask her out" he says

"I think he's done more than that" I laugh

"Come on let's get some breakfast" Jeff laughs, he places an arm around my shoulder and guides me downstairs to the kitchen. I take a seat at the counter while he continues cooking.
Matt and Emily appear looking a little embarrassed and Jeff and I can't help but laugh.

"Lu I'm so sorry, I was going to tell you but last night didn't seem like the right time" Emily explains sitting next to me.

"It's fine Em, I'm happy for you really" I say giving her a hug "just next time lock the door"

Emily starts laughing and the mood relaxes almost immediately, Jeff serves up breakfast and we all sit down to eat.

"Hey why don't we all hang out today" Jeff asks "we could have a pool day"

"I'm in" Matt says "Ladies?"

"Sure sounds good" I say smiling at Jeff, he smiles back but I'm not buying it, I know he's still worrying, obviously what I said last night wasn't enough to reassure him.

Matt and Emily head back to Matt's to get changed leaving me and Jeff alone, I watch him as he undresses and puts on his trunks, I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist placing gentle kisses on his back.

"Mmm you know they'll be back soon" he says

"We have time" I say moving round so I am in front of him, I place kisses on his chest then reach up and cup his cheek.

His lips find mine and he lifts me up and takes me over to the bed, he lays me down and kisses his way down my bikini clad body.
After making love he lays beside me kissing the top of my head, I rest my head on his chest "I love you Jeff" I say softly "I love you too baby" he replies

"Hey what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours" I ask moving some hair out of his face.
"I'm sorry baby it's just...." "your still worrying" I cut him off "you have nothing to worry about" I say placing a kiss on his lips.

"I know I promise I'll stop" he says smiling "come on we need to get ready".

A little while later Emily and I are watching the guys messing about in the pool, Jeff has relaxed and is enjoying himself and Emily can't take her eyes off Matt.

"So you and Matt huh" I say nudging her

"Yeah I really like him Lu" she smiles not taking her eyes off him

"You don't say" I laugh and she laughs with me

"How's Jeff" she asks looking at me with concern

"He's good, me and him are solid" I say

Before Emily can say anything we both get covered in pool water

"Jeffrey Nero Hardy I know you didn't just splash me" I shout

"Matthew Moore Hardy you are a dead man" Emily growls.

I get the water out of my eyes just in time to see Matt take off across the yard with Emily in hot pursuit. I laugh as Emily tackles him to the ground tickling him. I turn my attention back to Jeff who is laughing at his brother. I get in the pool behind him and splash him.
He turns to face me and splashes me again, we continue splashing each other until he has me backed against the side of the pool.
His lips find mine and he wraps my legs around his waist, he deepens the kiss and I know where this is going.

"Jeff we have company" I say breaking the kiss

"So" he humms kissing my neck

"So we can't" I giggle

"They are all the way over there baby, they can't see" he says kissing my collar bone, he moves my bikini bottoms out of the way and lowers his trunks entering me slowly.

"Oh god this is crazy" I moan into his hair as he quickens his movements

"Shh just enjoy it baby" he says kissing my neck

It's not long before we both find our release, he moves out of me and we rearrange our swimwear, I can't believe we just did that but it was amazing. I take a quick glance over to where Emily and Matt were and they are not there. I look back at Jeff and he's smiling at me.

"That was incredible" he says placing a kiss on my lips

"Yeah it was also crazy" I laugh "You're crazy"

"Yeah crazy about you" he says tightening his arms around me

One things is for sure, crazy or not, this man is all mine.

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