Still Captive

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Lucy POV

I've been here a couple of days now, Carly hasn't hurt me she kept her word in fact she has been looking after me quite well. I'm still hoping that Jeff will work out the clue in my message but it's not looking good.

I have managed to sleep a little but the chair is uncomfortable and this place is so cold, it wasn't cold the day I met Jeff so I am guessing she either doesn't know how to work the heating or doesn't want to put it on.

The door opens and Carly walks in, she puts a bag down on a table and then comes over and unties me. She hands me the bag "here eat" she says as I take the bag from her.

"I don't understand" I say "you want me out of the way and yet your looking after me"

"I have to" she says "Jeff would never forgive me if I didn't"

I eat the food she has given me and then she ties me back up.

"I'm not going to run you know" I say "I have no where to go now"

"I told you I can't risk you running back to him" she says

"Carly I promise I will stay away from him" I say "I won't come between you two"

She looks at me for a moment like she is thinking about something, I'm hoping my attempt to show her I believe her that she is with Jeff will work. But her thoughtful look changes to anger and I know it failed.

"I know what your doing" she snaps "trying to make me think you believe me but I know you don't"


"Shut up" she shouts "no body believes me, but it's true, I met him the same way you did and we have been inseparable ever since, we love each other"

I decide to stay quiet I know there is no way I can convince her I believe her. She is so caught up in what she believes but there is no way it's true. How can they be inseparable when he spends all his free time with me? If he was with her and he loved her why would have pursued me? Jeff isn't the type to cheat he is completely loyal. I have no doubt she has met him I've seen the pictures but she obviously believes that something happened between them.

Carly leaves the room and once again I am completely alone.

Jeff POV

I have lost count of how many times I have watched that video desperately trying to find something, anything that will tell me where she is. But so far I have nothing, the video is zoomed in on her so I can't see much of her surroundings and it's driving me crazy.

I press play one more time and listen to Lucy's voice.

"Jeff please don't worry, I'm fine I'm not hurt, this place isn't what it seems. When we first met I knew you were special but I never thought I would fall in love with you. That being said with everything that's been happening I'm not sure that us is such a good idea. I'm sorry to do it like this but it's over but I want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart"

I know there is a clue in her words somewhere but I just can't get it.

"Man you are going to drive yourself crazy" Matt says trying to take my phone but I move it out of his reach.

"There is a clue in this video I know there is" I say rubbing my face

"Why don't you try and get some sleep, you've been up all night" Matt suggests

He's right I have barely slept since she went missing, I can't sleep not when I know that girl has her. I yawn and Matt laughs maybe I should try and sleep I'm no good to Lucy like this.

I get up from the couch handing my phone to Matt and head upstairs. I lay down on our bed Lucy's words still running through my head and as hard as I try I can't get myself to go to sleep.

I close my eyes and try to let sleep take over but it's no use, I play her words over and over in my mind and then something clicks "not what it seems" those four words suddenly seem to mean something to me I just don't know what. I concentrate on the rest of her message until something else clicks "when we first met"

Matt POV

"MATT" I hear Jeff's voice ring through the house making me jump slightly.

I look over at Emily who is cuddled into me and she shrugs.

We both head upstairs to Jeff and Lucy's room and find Jeff sat bolt upright in bed.

"Are you ok man?" I ask slightly worried by his startled appearance

"Matt I figured it out" he says

"Figured what out" I ask

"The clue" he gasps "I know where she is"

"Great then let's call the police and tell them" I say

"Ok you do that, I'm going to get her" he says jumping out of bed but Emily stops him

"Jeff you can't" she says placing her hands on his chest "you don't know what she will do if you show up"

"I need her here with me Em" he says crumpling to his knees "I need her back"

Emily crouches down beside him and holds him while I dial the police

I explain to the police that we have picked up on clue in Lucy's message and Jeff tells them where he thinks she is. They assure us that they are heading straight over to check it out.

"God I hope I'm right" Jeff sighs

"We'll know soon" I say trying to reassure him

"I swear when I get her back I'm marrying that girl" he says laying back down on the bed

"You sure" I ask "your not just saying that becuase of whats happened"

"Never been more sure of anything" he says "I knew the moment I met her I'd marry her"

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