Soda's sister x gundam

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Requested by @tapedispenserelbows
Soda's POV

(Btw gundam won't speak like the normal way he does but I'll try )
'Ughhhhh miss Sonia is still all over that 'lord of the under world' freak why can't she like me a guy who can freaking build mechanics and crap ughhhhh.........only if y/n was here she would be able to cheer me up.....' I thought as I watched miss Sonia praising that freak just as I was about to go to my hut thing monokuma told us to go to the Centre of of the island ( I don't know how to spell the name).

??? POV

As I opened my eyes all I saw was the dark then I heard...waves? What I was just walking home and then after that it's blurry hmmm then I heard a voice I could never forget "what going on here!" KAZ!! omg omg omg omg it's him finally I get to see my bro again


Soda POV

"OK LETS OPEN THIS BAD BOY UP" monokuma yelled with in a flash I saw a girl with pink hair like mine and sharp teeth and then it clicked its y/n it's my sis with no control over my body I ran as fast as I could to go see if it was actually her so I decided to call her nickname and if she answer right I know it's her "LITTLE TERROR" I yelled to see if she'd respond


Just as I opened my eyes again because of the flash I heard on thing that confirmed it was kaz "LITTLE TERROR"kaz yelled and in response I yelled"SHARK BOI" I yelled as I hugged him " I missed you so much" I cried into his jumpsuit " me to sis" he replied finally I was reunited with my family.

Another time skip

Y/n pov

After some time I grew friend with nearly everyone here and I grew a crush on the great 'lord of the under world' himself yes....gundam tanaka aka Sonia never mind the shsl princess's crush its not like I have a chance with him I mean come on she's so pretty and polite while I'm just a fat stupid pig "mortal are you even listening!" said gundam in frustration "o-oh yeah" I said nervously.

Gundam pov

The way she jumped in surprise was so cute.....I wish she was mine but sadly she's not Sonia wants me to confess but I just can't out of all people she won't chose me that for sure........but I promised I would confess today so might as well because the worst thing that could happen is that she'll reject me so I'll confess today.



As I walked to the beach see saw....flower petals and candles going to into the distance. As I walked closer I saw gundam in a suit and tbh he looked quite handsome ( imagine that it's just gundam in the photo). " so gundam what did you want me here for" I asked quite confused about the set up " I came to ask you if you wanted......tobemydarkqueen!" He said while hiding his face in his scarf which I found adorable "......YES" I said running into his arms as I looked up in to his beautiful eyes that I could get lost in we inched closer and closer until our lips were touching. As we separated we heard a click and then our heads snapped to the noise onLy to see the rest of our the class Mates running off "GET BACK HERE!" Screeched like demon while chasing after them.

 As we separated we heard a click and then our heads snapped to the noise onLy to see the rest of our the class Mates running off "GET BACK HERE!" Screeched like demon while chasing after them

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Done hope you enjoy and btw that photo of the boys is soooo hot-ANYWAY don't forget to request and have wonderful full day,sleep or evening and remember your always loved by at least one person that might not be in your life at the moment but will come at some point so never give up!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎

-bye bye my little emos-

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