Chapter 4: Krypton Pt.2

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A/N: so I've changed my mind about not including glee characters and realised that adding them would make this better and easier so in this chapter I'm going to somehow add them in. also sorry if I forgot any of the glee characters. Also this is going to be a long chapter to make up for not uploading for ages :D

After the clip had finished Brainy stood up and begun heading to the door to leave.

Alex had noticed his sudden leave, "Where are you going?" she asked.

"Uh, for a few later clips I will have to gather some people i shall return in a moment." Brainy answered.

Kara looked confused at Brainy, "Who do u need to gather that is so important?"

"A group of people called 'The New Direction'.", and with that Brainy left.

After Brainy mention The New Direction she instantly paled, Barry had equally paled remember everything that he had done in high school. Everyone around them had noticed there reactions to what Brainy had mentioned wondering who this group of people are. Alex's curiosity wore out in the end.

"Who are 'The New Direction' Kara?" Alex prompted.

"Uh.. wel-ll, the-yy u-mmm." Kara stuttered.

"Wait." Winn cut-in saving Kara for a brief moment before, "Aren't they the group singers from Ohio?"

"Uh we-lll y-ou see-e.." Kara stuttered out again. But before anyone could say anything the front door of her imaginary loft opened with a blinding light, once the light had dimmed down there stood a group of people and Brainy.

The new group of people were asking many questions, "Where are we?", "Who are you?" "What are we doing here?". Until one question seemed the break through the rest gathering Kara's attention.

"Marley!?" Someone in the group asked. Once Kara had looked up at were the voice had came from she was meet with a familiar face, "Kitty." Kara beamed heading over to her and giving her and everyone else a hug.

"Omg Marley, we've been looking for you everywhere, you just disappeared after Sue disbanded the club." Blaine exclaimed giving her a hug.

"I missed you guys too!" Marley/Kara replied.

All the superhero's were sitting in the living room wondering who this Marley person was and how does Kara know this group of people.

"Kara who are these people, and why are they calling you Marley?" Alex piped up from where she was.

Jake frowned confused, "Why are you calling her Kara her name is Marley."

Alex also frowned in confusion on why these people were calling her sister 'Marley', "I'm pretty sure I would know what my sisters name was."

The New Directions looked confused because from what they knew Marley didn't have a sister. "Sister?"

Kara put her hands up to get everyone's attention. "Okay, let me explain." Everyone turned and looked at her.

"My birth name is Kara Zorel, my birth parents died in an explosion when I was thirteen-" there was a series of gasps mainly from the Glee kids and some of the Heroes from earth-1 that didn't know. "I was adopted by Eliza and Jerimiah Danvers not long after my parents died, they had a daughter Alex" Kara told them pointing towards Alex. "I went to Midvale High for a few years, then my best friend was murdered, Jerimiah was taken away." Everyone in the room looked shocked at what they had heard, all the Heroes were wondering how Kara could manage to stay so bubbly and happy after everything that has happened. "Not long after that happened Alex went to college and Eliza was struggling to look after me so she sent me to live with her best-friend Millie Rose, so I decided to change my name to Marley and dye my hair brown and that is how I became Marley and met you guys know." Kara said pointing to the Glee kids. "Then Sue disbanded the Glee club so I moved back to Midvale went back to being Kara Danvers, then became Cat Grants assistant turned reporter." Kara finished.

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