Pawful Turn of Events

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"Of course. I've got room!"

The little ball of cuteness and cat puns smiled at me. I don't know why I thought of him as cute, though I never said this to a girl either. This is all so weird and stupid.

Nodding in response to his cheerful acceptance, I walked back into the room and shut the door. I don't mind being friends with this guy, but something is setting me off. But what? Never mind that... I need a subject change.

"Hey, cat boy. Can you cook?" I questioned him sternly.

"A-Ah, yes. A lot actually! But it's mostly pasta food or microwave. I don't have enough stuff for, well, other stuff. But I can try," he beamed.

"Cool," I commented as I looked around. "Got a shower?"

Avan blinked at me, probably imagining me showering- Wait! No, why would he do that? Gross.

"Um. Oh, yeah! I do, I do," his voice quivered slightly from nervousness, blush even began to form on his face. I suppose to hide it, he began lowering his head and looking to the side. He just so cute, I could just lift his head and kiss- what the hell am I thinking?

"Cool, I'm going to assume it's in the bathroom. I'll be out in a minute," I told him as I walked into his room, but realized I didn't even get his permission. Peering back out I asked, "If that's okay with you?"

He nodded with his head down still. Maybe I should ask him to shower- Go take a shower already, you idiot!

Shaking my head I walk back into his room. The first thing I noticed was the smell. My gosh it smelt great. Vanilla and... blossums? Whatever. Anyways, It was kind of messy, more of an attempted neat factor to the room. There was a bed against the wall to the right. It was a twin-size with a few normal-sized pillows, all which had light blue and light green pillow cases. His blanket that covered the bed, but looked rushed, was a dark blue with lighter blue circles making an unorganized pattern all over.

The walls were white like most buildings, but the ceiling was painted a yellow. Across from the bed was a huge, mahogany wood dresser. And in front of me was a tint window that showed a forest to the left of the parking lot. Looking back to by the dresser, on the farthest side of it was a door. There's the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me and began to strip my clothes. This is weird, I told myself. Showering in someone else's home. But I need time from him. He was making me feel weird.

I turned the faucet to the shower on hot, then stood by the mirror as I waited for the shower actually become hot. Gazing at myself, I suddenly cared what Avan thought of me. I usually could give to shiz but... I want him to like me.

Shaking my head I stepped in the shower, let the water run across me, and thinking thoughts I never thought I would ever have.


I got out, adjusting my hair as I walked over to the mirror.

My darker brown hair, due to the shower, looked presentable enough. A little messy doesn't hurt anyone. But luckily my hair made my green eyes pop out. Eyes somehow always seem to be the most fascinating thing upon the human body.

Satisfied, I strolled out of the bathroom only to remember I forgotten to put a towel on. Thankfully Avan wasn't around and cooking? The air was filled with cooking meat and boiling sause. I guess Avan is creating a pasta dish?

I walked out of Avan's room, this time with the towel around my hips. I hope he didn't mind.


The smells of Ragu with my own secret additions smelled great mixing together so smoothly. The meat was finally done and I still had Angel Hair noodles to stir.

I wonder how Kolenn is doing in the shower, he must look great bare. Oh, I shouldn't think of that! Silly me, I told myself.

Suddenly I heard footsteps walk towards the small kitchen. I turned my head to see Kolenn, slightly covered it water droplet from his hair and... ONLY IN A TOWEL?

I stared for a moment before quickly retreating my eyes back to my sause, stirring it nervously and at a hastened pace.

"Smells good," Kolenn complimented to break the ice.

"Yeah. Thanks. Oh um, would you care for some clothes?" I'm absolutely sure Kolenn heard the shaking in my voice because he leaned on the counter to show off his muscles, something I don't have and look very handsome on him.

"I don't think yours would fit, and I think you like me this way," he teased.

He's flirting with me?!


Did I really just say that?

"K-Kidding. But..." I started walking towards him slowly. Stop. "You're nervous all the sudden," Don't you dare. "Unless you're not comfortable with naked people," DO. NOT. TAKE. ANOTHER. STEP. CLOSER. "You must like the view then. Hm?"

I wrapped my arms around Avan's waist, resting my head on his shoulder. What the flip are you doing?!

"I-I-I um, I um, you're... uh, erm..." Avan began to stutter, his breathing uneasy. Is he gay? He has to be! That means I could, No! What are you thinking?!

Something came over me, and I can't control it, even after going this far I can't go back. I tilted my head, about to turn my head to kiss his cheek until suddenly, someone was pounding on the door.

"Oh... My friend is here. Sorry about that..." Avan moved out of my arms and began to walk towards the door.

It felt weird he wasn't in my arms. You need to stop.

I ran my hand through my hair, hoping his friend wasn't a guy, and if it was, please not be gay.


I fur-got to tell Kolenn that I had company coming over today. I was so caught up of being  friends with him and him staying the night, the fact Nevy was coming over slipped my mind.

Sigh, what a p-awful turn of events.

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