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when hogwarts express came to a stop in hogsmeade, violet blishwick left the compartment she was sitting in for the past hours, along with blaise zabini, whom the girl was talking to most of the time. as they stepped out of the train, they identified the three figures walking in front of them as hermione granger, ron weasley and harry potter.

a moment later, draco malfoy walks past them in a black suit, wearing a black turtleneck underneath, paired with black dress shoes. blaise immediately shoots a glare at the girl beside him, as her eyes follow the platinum haired boy.

"i swear to god, if this goes anything like last year, i will no longer be friends with you from now on." blaise says. "chill, zabini. i can assure you, it's going to be much worse than last year. just look at that boy. if he wasn't such a dick, i'd definitely go after him." violet sighs.

blaise raises a brow at her, "i don't get what you see in him, just look at me. you've got everything you need right in front of you." the pair then started laughing and walk past the golden trio, who didn't seem too pleased at whatever malfoy had said to them.

blaise and violet stopped walking as soon as they reached the thestrals pulling the carriages. they look for a carriage to ride to the castle with. they spot malfoy, crabbe and goyle, ready to leave. blaise just smirks and walks towards them. even if he doesn't like them, he's still friends with them in the end. so violet starts begging: "please, no. blaise, you can't-"

"zabini! come, sit." draco called as soon as he spots them, not only interrupting, but also ignoring violet completely. blaise smirks and violet rolls her eyes, as she follows the dark-skinned boy onto the carriage. the girl sits down next to zabini and if looks could kill, blaise would most definetly be dead by now.

violet was quiet throughout the whole ride. malfoy was the one constantly talking and complaining, annoying the hell out of blishwick. when the thestral finally made a stop in front of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, the fair-skinned but dark-haired girl immediately hops off and waits impatiently for her best friend.

a little later, the male walks towards her and the two of them enter the school. unaware of malfoy and his goons' presence still behind them, she starts mocking the blonde boy. she mimicks his complains about hogwarts, telling zabini how she'd like to "spit in his gorgeous face and tell him to just leave if he hates hogwarts so much", as she phrased it.

at first blaise looks at her with wide eyes, turns to the group behind them, seeing draco's irritated face, ready to explode every moment. but instead of making her aware of malfoy, he wants her to suffer a bit.

she had talked about malfoy's good looks the whole previous year of school, so be wants to embarrass her in front of the boy she finds so handsome. not too much, of course, she was still his best friend, but some revenge wouldn't hurt anyone, would it?

"go on." blaise says, looking forward again, as they stepped towards the great hall. "he annoys the shit out of me. exactly what i said earlier: how can someone be this obnoxious?" violet complains.

"come on, i know from all of your talking last year you like him secretly!" blaise smirks, knowing all too well that the boy who was talked about, was listening. "i do not! he's a meanie AND a mommy's boy. only one question left: why is he acting like that? wouldn't you want to know?"

"tell me, blishwick. just keep on talking." zabini's smile wider than ever. "well, i don't know why malfoy acts like that. i'm guessing he's just biologically evil. can't do nothing about that." violet shrugs.

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