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This is an interview with the winner of the romance category   , Thanks for joining us!

Q1. How did you discover Wattpad?

I actually only recently discovered this platform! My younger cousin recommended I listen to an audiobook called "After" by Anna Todd and I really had no idea what it was all about. As I'm sure many readers here know, that series is completely addictive, and I was hooked. I ended up Googling Anna Todd, and discovered she got started here! Then, it seemed Wattpad was all I heard about, from the After series to the Kissing Booth, then to Float, it's a wonder I didn't find my way here before!

Q2. At what age did you start to show interest in writing?

I guess I would have been around sixteen. I took a writers craft course over the summer, to get ahead on my Senior year at school, since I was into competitive sports, I needed all the free time I could get. I ended up writing my first novel that summer, but I have never shared my work with the public before, until now!

Q3. Why did you start writing?

I have a very demanding job that is high stress, and sometimes hard to let go of 'after hours', so I use writing as a meditative tool to calm my mind and help me shift gears. Then, it became a huge part of my life, and I'm totally hooked.

Q4. Who would you say is your biggest inspiration as a writer?

This is such a hard question. There are so many major influences in my life as a writer, but spontaneously I'd say, my friends. They encourage me and often inspire my character personalities (both knowingly, and unknowingly). In terms of an author who inspired me, I'd say Hanya Yanagihara (A Little Life) - the level of description, and writing here is just unparalleled in my eyes, as is the beautiful, heartbreaking story of the characters she writes about.

Q5. Do you have a favourite out of all the books you've written (consisting of the ones not on wattpad) ?

First There Was You - this is my first and currently my only book on Wattpad (Book 2 is a WIP), but it has such a special place in my heart, and brain. It started as a sort of meditative project and ended with me totally immersed in this story, and connecting to an amazing community of authors and readers. It's what made me brave enough to share my work here! The fantastic community.

Q6. What is your greatest challenge as a writer?

Structure, organization, and planning. I'm a total A-type personality in my daily life and career. I plan everything to the last detail. So it surprised me immensely that I wasn't able to apply this to my writing, but every time I tried to make a plan, I would freeze. So I actually free-wrote FTWY with no plan, no structure, no outline in about 4-5 weeks. Then came the editing process, which took an additional several weeks on its own! Now that I've done it once though, I'm hoping to find some balance between letting my imagination run wild and having a good plan! 

Q7. What was your inspiration to write the book that won this award?

My fiancé moved abroad right when corona hit, and my plans to move with him were delayed. I live abroad already, so I was a bit more 'on my own' so to say during this strange time. As mentioned in my profile, many of the characters, and to a certain extent, the events of the book are inspired by the summers I spent with my friends in Muskoka, Canada. I've taken many creative liberties, but connecting with all my closest friends more and more over video calls triggered the seeds of a story in my mind, so I set it free! 

Q8. Would you consider to make writing your profession or just a hobby?

Sure, I would consider it. However, I work in Marketing for a global consumer goods company, and I love that experience too. It would depend if writing was a feasible and realistic way to support myself and achieve the personal and professional goals I have for myself. On one level I'd love nothing more than to let the ideas in my mind come to life on paper all the time, but I would definitely miss the hustle of a big international company. 

Q9. How did you feel when you got to know that you won your respected category?

I was excited, a little happy shocked, and proud. I was also grateful the judge enjoyed the wok and provided some great feedback that was concrete, objective, and actionable. This particular award made me feel extra grateful for the great community here! 

Q10. Would you like to add something to say to your supporters?

Just a huge thank you to everyone who has been reading, engaging and/or sharing my work with their friends too! It means so much to me when I hear from everyone in the comments or by DM. ❤️ Thank you! It really is magical to see a story come to life and to have it enjoyed by a group of readers and writes here on Wattpad! 

Thanks for tuning in with us  toriatobin, Congrats!!

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