Chapter 4.

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***Japan Airport***

"Wow Tomoyo your sure in a good mood" commented Sakura looking at her happy friend. "Why wouldn't she be? She's meeting herboyfriend" said Meiling smirking. Tomoyo was blushing like a tomato. "Umm...Li-kun! You're in a bad mood. Hehe" said Tomoyo trying to change the subject . "Yeah Syaoran, is something wrong" asked Sakura worriedly. "N-nothing!" answered Syaoran quickly. "Oh please, he's upset cause Eriol is coming, he thinks Eriol will ruined his chance of being with Sa-" Meiling was cut off by Syaoran. "Sa No one!" he said quickly.

"Whose 'Sa no one'?" asked Sakura with a hint of jealousy in her voice. The 3 sweat drop, sometimes Sakura can be really dense, which is a good thing for Syaoran.

"Umm..Nobody you should know of, so umm, did you know that, err, umm, Meiling...Meiling's, err, BIRTHDAY! Yes birthday, is coming up" said Syaoran desperate to change the subject. "Really Meiling? I thought it was last month." said Sakura. "Because it IS last month!" murmured Meiling while glaring at Syaoran.

They were inturupted when someone place a hand on Tomoyo's and Sakura's hand, it was none other than Eriol, "Hey guys, what did I miss?" he asked innoucently. "Eriol!" yelled Sakura cheerfully as she hug him, Eriol earned a glare from Syaoran.

"Hello to you too Sakura, Tomoyo, Meiling and my Cute little descendant." said Eriol with a smile. Tomoyo gave Eriol a welcome-back-kiss on the cheek. While Meiling shook hands with him.

"Where's kero?" asken Sakura looking around for any signs of the gaurdian beast. "I'm afraid not, he's with Nakuru, they're trying to get spinal sun to eat sweets, though i don't know why." said Eriol calmly. "Oh~ And thanks for taking care of Kero, I hope he's not too much troube" said Sakura apologetically. "Not at all" answered Eriol with a smile.

The group drink at a coffee shop nearby. "Oh no!" exclaimed Sakua as she checked her watch. "Whats wrong?" asked Tomoyo and Syaoran worriedly. "I'm late! I got dinner with Asuma at his house!" said Sakura hurriedly. Tomoyo sweat dropped, while Syaoran tried not to groan. "Well catch ya latter guys, bye" said Sakura as she went for the door.

When she was out of sight, Syaoran stood up preparing to leave. "Woah where are you going, my cute little descendant." asked Eriol. "I'm following her, I dont trust that Asumi or what ever is name is" said Syaoran in a cold tone. Tomoyo and Meiling sweat dropped. "It's Asuma" sai Tomoyo quietly. "Well it was Asuma now his name is 'The guy who'se gonna get his ass kicked'" said Syaoran in a dangerous tone. The three sweat dropped. "Well, i'm coming too, to tell you the truth, I don't really truth Asuma too" said Tomoyo ready to leave. "I'll go too in case you need back up" said Eriol. "Meiling?" Syaoran asked. "Huh? not coming sorry, i got a date with Kazuke" said Meiling nervously. "Kazuke? The waiter you were flirting with at the restaurnt the other day? asked Syaoran. Meiling laugh nervously "Hehehe, yeah, when i was done on the phone with Daidouji-san i was talking with Kazuke-kun while you were with Kinomoto-san". "Fine but don't be home late" said Syaoran as he left. "Bye Meiling-chan good luck on ur date" said Tomoyo and Eriol.

***Asuma's house (outside the gate)***

"WOW! Tomoyo, are you sure this is his house?" asked Syaoran looking at the Huge mansion in front of him. "Yup" said Tomoyo.

"So how are we suppose to go in unseen? They have security guards all over the place" exclaimed Syaoran searching for a way in. "I'll teleport us in then" offered Eriol. With that Eriol released his staff and chanted a spell. But nothing happen. "Oh no!" exclaimed Eriol worriedly. "What?!" asked Tomoyo and Syaoran worriedly. "Theres some sort of powerful barier paced at his house" said Eriol observing the place. "Wait, does that mean what I think it means?" asked Tomoyo. "Yes, he has a very powerful magic, does Sakura know about this?" asked Eriol. "No, if she does, she would have told me by now" answered Tomoyo uneasily. Syaoran gasp, what if 'The guy who'se gonna get his ass kick' is planning on hurting Sakura. He has too save her before its too late.

"Ok I got a plan" exclaim Syaoran dragging the two behind a plant as he say 3 guards passing by. 'Perfect' he thought.


"The food taste great Asuma" said Sakura as she whipe the crums on her mouth with a napkin. "I'm glad you like it" he said smirking. Sakura noticed this and got worried "Are you ok Asuma?" she asked. "Yes i'm perfectly fine, once you give me your cards" said Asuma quietly. "Huh?" asked Sakura, thinking she might heard wrongly. "Oh nothing, its naptime by the way" said Asuma and with a snap of his fingures Sakura fell into a deep sleep.

'I shall drain her powers during midnight, where my powers are at its strongest' he thought as he carried Sakura to the guess room.


"Good thinking my little cute descendant" said Eriol examining the guard costume. "Im 16 stop with the nicknames, Hiiragizawa!" said Syaoran angrily. Tomoyo giggled at the sight. "Come on boys we have to find Sakua, where do you think she is?" asked Tomoyo looking around. "She said she's having dinner right? Maybe at the dinning room, ok so heres the plan, Syaoran you-" Eriol didn't get to finish when Syaoran went running to the dinning room without them. Eriol and Tomoyo sigh as they try to keep up with Syaoran.

'Where ever you are, Sakura, please be alright' thought Syaoran as he ran faster.

FINALY! I'm done with this Chapter! I hope you enjoy! But what will happen to Sakura? Find out at the next chapter.

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