00 || I Will Join

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Hey, before we begin this started as just a role play on our group chat and we didn't get to end it so...

I don't know how long this would be hopefully it's not too long!

Let's get to the story, shall we?

Edit 1: Jan 12 2022

Edit 2: Jul 2 2023

Edit 3: Apr 6 2024


Kirishima stood at the entrance of a dim and dank alleyway; he couldn't believe what he was going to do. Hesitantly, he began to walk into the alley, puddles of water were scattered about, and the air stunk of something foul, burning his nostrils, and leaving a foul taste in his mouth.

He looked around nervously, black hair falling over his eyes, and sped up his pace, he wasn't sure why, but he felt like he was being watched. Could feel the phantom eyes that stared into his hunched form, the prickle on the back of his neck as his hair stood on end.

Soon he came to a stop in front of a metal door. He sighed, he knew what lay behind that door; a decision. This decision could either kill him, or it could be the best thing he'll ever do.

Hesitantly he knocked, then cringed as the knocks echoed off the alley walls. After a moment of silence, a small slit in the door opened. There was an eye glaring down at him. Kirishima subconsciously shrunk into himself, his heart pounded as he looked into the eye, watery blue with the whites of the eye an irritated red.

"Oh, would you look at what we have here..." The voice belonged to a man, it was rough and sounded like the only thing the man breathed was cigarette smoke, which he most likely does. "I was wondering when you'd show up."

Kirishima looked at the eye with what he hoped was a blank expression. But the way the corner of the eye crinkled, the glint of sick amusement, Kirishima was sure he looked pathetic. They held eye contact for a few seconds before the man backed away and closed the slit. Defeated, Kirishima heaved a sigh, shoulders slumping as he turned away from the door. He began to walk away but stopped when he heard what sounded like locks snapping open and the creaking of a rusted door as it was pulled open.

When he turned around, he saw a man standing in the doorway looking at him. "C'mon, let's not keep the boss waiting."  The man gestured from him to follow and disappeared.

Kirishima was quick to follow and practically ran after him. The man waited for him at the end of a hallway and then led him up a flight of rickety stairs, and then down another long hallway where they stopped in front of a heavy steel door, its surface weather and dented, much like the one from downstairs. The man stepped forward and knocked, on the other side of the door a raspy voice was heard permitting them entrance.

The man opened the door and shoved Kirishima inside. The black-haired boy nearly tripped over his own feet before he steadied himself.

He straightened himself and looked around. The room looked very unflattering and was in desperate need of a cleaning. There were piles of tarp lying around, dusty wooden crates dotted around the room and god knows what stained the floor. The air was stale with dust and disuse, the overhead lights flickered as they struggled to light the room, creating dark shadows in the corners of the room.

His attention was taken away from the filthy room and toward a table not so far away from him. At that table sat a man with hands clamped on his body. His hair was a light blue colour and his skin looked dry and cracked, lips chapped as the man pulled it between his rotting teeth. He knew who this was, but he was reluctant to admit it to himself. If memory serves him right, this man was Shigaraki Tomura. The man who could destroy anything with a single touch.

"Welcome, young one, to the League of Villains."

His voice was raspy and sounded like he hadn't used it in weeks. Kirishima managed an awkward smile as he lightly bowed his head in acknowledgement.

"I assume you know what you are doing here, and that you did not just stumble upon our hideout?"

Kirishima nodded his head again and swallowed dryly. He was desperately hoping he knew the magnitude of what he was doing because once he made his decision, there was no turning back.

"Well then, what will it be, Eijirou?"

Kirishima took a deep breath and nodded his head,

"Yes, I will join the League of Villains."

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