The first obstacle

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I was ready to begin the first obstacle. I knew it! It was a maze! Just like the movies! I had a tiny peace of paper but didn't know how to use it. All it said was: left right up down front back there here diagonal, ________ death. I didn't understand it but I wrote "Katie" in the space and underlined "right up". And then it looked like this:

Left right up down front back there here diagonal ,𝐾𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑒's death.

            Then I heard Katie, and I saw her! 'Follow me' she said. So I did. I got in a portal and the there was a huge maze in front of  me! I continued to follow her and then, I was at a dead end with another portal! The portal had a sign that said "END". I followed her inside the portal and found myself falling from a hight.
            I was stuck in a maze, again! I started walking and then I slipped on a paper the size of a sticky note. It was old and looked used. It said: don't cheat or you might face yourself falling again and never getting out of this maze. I ran and ran wherever I thought was right. But I constantly found myself in a dead end. I tried for nearly 16 hours. I didn't think I'd find a way out of this maze. I stayed there for days with my sister bringing my food. Well at least what I thought was my sister. The maze seemed endless! One day, under the plate that my sister brought me, there was a map. Folded, but huge.
I read the map and was soon out of the maze I was in. It was all thanks to her! The maze seemed endless because it was! I had to go in the middle, get the golden cup standing on a table in the middle of the maze and run through the portal next to the wall!
Last time I had seen her before she left was at Eva's house. She went there to tell Eva she went camping with her friends. We didn't tell her the truth because we didn't want her to worry. I felt guilty for not telling Eva the truth so before I left I told Eva the truth. I daydreamed about this as I ran in the maze but now that I was out I found myself falling from don't know what anymore! My sister was gone... I had imagined it... I was now hungrier than ever. There was food there. I thought it was a "reward" for getting out of the maze. I would die if I didn't eat! So I shoved my face in the food and ate everything in front of me. A steak, a plate of pasta, two salads, and a cheesecake for dessert.

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