:)))) pt.2 (Mike)

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"Nancy, you know exactly why I'm here."
"Y.n... it wasn't my responsibility."
"Yes but she broke my brother I brake hers."
Soon eleven showed up and asked what was going on.
"Tell her to leave this is between us."
"I'm not leaving."
She was the girl that had powers  but that bitch ain't the only time one.
"Yes you are."
"Ughhh el just leave you shouldn't be here anyways."
(It's gonna get a little weird but I saw someone on tiktok do this with draco soo....)
"Oh fuck me..."
Mike said.
You pushed him up against the wall and caressed the corner of his ear with your thumb and wispered in his ear.
He seemed to be not unconfy. ;)
"Y.n um I I'm so sorry I should've made nancy stay here instead of going to the party it is my fault."
"No Mike it's not. I'm the one that should be sorry."
"Forgive me?"
You kissed him softly. You did like him but el pisses you off.
"That answer your question?"
He was still stunned as you walked away.

Oop I feel I will get bullied but so what I already bc I like finn *rolls eyes*

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