We're here for you

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Ayala's pov

It's the next day and I just woke up and saw that katie is gone I checked my phone and she texted me

said she had to go home because her mom needed her but tell me how it goes.

My mom has work of today

Once I showered and changed I decided just to do it know. I mean she can't get mad she had me at 17

Ayala: hey mom I have to tell you something

A/m: yeah what is it?
Ayala: you can't get mad?
A/m: ok

I pull the test out of my pocket and hand it to her.
A/m: your pregnant?
Ayala: yeah
I said with tears streaming down my face

A/m: hey it's ok we will get thought this together

Ayala: mom I'm scared
A/m: I know I'm here for you
Ayala: thanks mom I love you

A/m: who's the father?
Ayala: Mattia polibio
A/ m: oh I know his mom

Ayala: oh ok
A/m: you need to tell him
Ayala: I will soon

"Ok" she said getting her phone out

"I'm also going to make an appointment for next week"  she said

" ok when I start showing I'm going to do online" I said

A/m: yeah that's what I hope you were going to do.

Ayala: yeah

A/m: ok well I have to go to work have Katie come over and I'll be back later also I'm by your side love you

Ayala: ok I love you too

Calling Katie
(Bold) Katie (normal) Ayala

Hey did you tell her yet?

Yeah I just did

How did it go?

It was good turns out she knows Mattia mom


Yeah I guess so, she make an appointment for next week

That's good I'm happy for you

Yeah I am too, can you come over my mom just left for work

Yeah I be there soon also I'm bringing food

Ok thanks I'll see you soon I love you

Call ended📞

After about 20 minutes Katie finally made it home she came in with Chick-fil-A.

Ayala: yes! You got Chick-fil-A

Katie: yes sir now you got to eat for both you and the baby.

Ayala: yes more food

Me and Katie ate,watched movies and talked a lot and had lots of fun

And fell asleep


Teen pregnancy Mattia polibio Where stories live. Discover now