Babys name

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Ayala's pov

It's the next day we are still in the hospital I get to go home tomorrow

but I still can't walk or do anything by my self

Mattia: I need to call Kairi and tell him you had the baby

Calling Kairi
Normal (me and Ayala)
bold (Kairi and Alejandro)
It's on speaker

Hey dude did Ayala give birth yet?

Yeah last night she's healthy where are you guys?

Just getting on the train to come home

What happened yesterday after I left

Man everyone was asking so many questions and it's all over tiktokroom people are saying you are irresponsible

To be honest I really don't care I'll explain when I come back I'm taking a break for a while anyway with Ayala and the baby

Yeah your right are you ever going to tell your fans but you have a child

It all depends On what Ayala wants but I know people are going to attack her I don't want that

Yeah I would wait and see how everything dies down

Yeah well when you get here come See us you got to see the baby

Ok We will be there in about a half hour

Ok bye

Call ended

Ayala: I new this was going to happen
Mattia: hey it's ok I really don't care I'm already taking a break from social media for a while

Ayala: ok

I had to feed the baby
Ayala: can you hand me the baby?
Mattia: yeah we really need to get a name
Ayala: we have a few in mind what's figure it out right now

Mattia: so the one names we have are Brinley, Amelia and mia

Ayala: I don't like Brinley Anymore
Mattia: same I fell like she looks like a Amelia
Ayala: yeah aww I like that one

Mattia: my two A's
Ayala: so Amelia Leah polibio

Mattia: yeah I love that
Ayala: same

Ayala: pick an outfit out of my bag for the baby to wear
Mattia: yes I love picking thing out

He pick out this

Ayala: HAHA i found this shopping with Katie Mattia: I love it let me hold her Once the boys get here they walk in

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Ayala: HAHA i found this shopping with Katie
Mattia: I love it let me hold her
Once the boys get here they walk in

Kairi: hey now let me see my niece
Mattia: well hello to you

Alejandro: aww she's so tiny
Ayala: she is going to be tall but tiny

Kairi: what's the shirt she's wearing says?

Ayala: I'm Proof daddy does not play video games all the time

Mattia: true
He did smirking

Ayala: you mean pull out all the time
The boys laugh

Mattia: hey that's mean I was drunk

Ayala: do you remember anything from that night?

Mattia: nope but your moaning That night

I slap his arm
Ayala: now that you have a child no more of that language

Mattia: we're people asking so many questions
Kai: yeah so what do we do if someone asks where you are?

Mattia: that I'm taking a break

Ale: when you do say you guys are together and release it on social media.I have the funniest videos of Mattia crying over you or being a simp over you

Ayala: I want to see!
Ale: nope your going to have to wait
Ayala: ok fine

Kai: what's the baby's name?
Mattia: Amelia Leah polibio
Ale: aww thats really cute

Teen pregnancy Mattia polibio Where stories live. Discover now