Introduction :)

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This is my first ever story. I've always loved the Harry Potter series and since reality shifting is now a trend I've decided to make some stories based on my personal DR!


This story takes place during 3rd year (The Prisoner of Azkaban) there isn't going to be any action from the plot of the story such as Sirius's escape and Peter Pettigrew.

This story also contains some mature/ triggering themes such as:
-sexual content
-drug use (marijuana)
-talk of sexual assault
-talk of abuse

there are disclaimers at the beginning of each chapter to help if you would like to avoid some of these themes :)

Also, I want to make it known that I am fully aware that Jinora and Harry are both 13 in their third year HOWEVER Id like you to picture them as being 16-17+. I know this is just fanfiction and is obviously not real but I still want to put this out there. 

The legal age of consent is 16 in the U.K.  and 18 in the U.S.


I hope you enjoy it!!!


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