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It's been a week since the shower escapade and Harry and I have never been happier. so far the only person who doesn't know about our relationship is Draco. I've been putting off telling him because I know what hell say. he despises Harry. but I made up my mind that today I would tell him. I feel bad keeping a secret like this from him no matter what.

just as I finished my thought, I walked outside and saw him. he was sitting in a tree eating a green apple. he needs to broaden his food horizons. "Draco get your ass down here!" I yelled up at him. "Not a chance, you're welcome up here though cutie." I rolled my eyes.

 "I need to talk to you. It's important." 

"fine I'm coming"

he jumped down right in front of me, knocking me over. "seriously?!" I said laying on my back on the ground. "My bad," he said while offering his hand. I took it and once I was on my feet, he slapped my butt. "Don't fucking do that shit," I said. I was already in a bad mood from being knocked over but this was too much. I was ready to walk away but I tried to cool down. I needed to tell him. plus telling him I'm dating the guy he hates will definitely get under his skin. "follow me." and I lead him to an empty classroom. 

"are you trying to seduce me JJ?" he said.

I rolled my eyes again. "There's something I haven't told you. and you can't get mad okay."

"there's no way I'm promising that."

"fine whatever just don't overreact. I'm with someone. and it's serious."

"who? gotta say I'm impressed."


"um, I don't know. what house are they."


"umm Neville longass?"


"Percy Weasel?"


"Are you into chicks? is it that mudblood Hermione Grimy??"

"no, it's not. do you have stupid mean names for everyone?"

"just the dumbass Gryffindors. not you though."

he sat and thought for a minute. then he scowled at me. "It's not Potter is it?"

I nodded. "You're joking JJ. please say this a fucking prank."

it's not. we've been dating for a few months now and I've never been happier. I love him Draco. I really do."

He stood up and ran his hands through his hair. "I can't believe you. you're conspiring against me."

"what the hell are you talking about? because I'm dating someone you dislike that means I'm conspiring against you. Are you even hearing yourself??"

"I can't believe this. good luck with your relationship I guess." and with that he walked out.

I was so angry. how can he say things like that?! I ran all the way back to the common room, never turning back once. once there i ran past Hermione and Ron who gave me a confused look, ran up the stairs and flung myself onto my bed. after a few minutes of thinking, I fell asleep.

~end ch.8~

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