Scarlet Aura

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I have officially decided that some things at this school are the worst. Don't get me wrong the school itself is incredible. I've never seen architecture like this in my life. The states definitely have some competition. the people aren't the problem either. I've spotted a few hotties that made me think "I would ride their broomstick" if you know what I mean *wink wink* and the food is definitely not the problem. man, if I wasn't trying to make a good impression, I would have been stuffing my face just like the redhead who sat at the Gryffindor table tonight. all of these things were great. The problem was the sorting ceremony. more specifically, that damn hat.

At Hogwarts, there are 4 houses. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff. apparently at the beginning of their first-year students sit on a stool in the dining hall in front of the entire school and a magic hat chooses which house they belong in. Sounds fun right?

well, it's not fun when nobody fucking told you.

so I'm sitting, enjoying a delicious plate of lemon chicken and rice when Dumbledore stands up in front of the school. my first thought was "damn that's a long beard". right in the middle of my trying to figure out what products he uses to make it so silky-looking, he says "We have a new student from the states joining us today"


let me clarify that I've never had any sort of social anxiety nor have I had trouble speaking in front of people. so I had no idea why I was so nervous. maybe because they're all strangers? well, all except one. I looked over to the Slytherin table trying to spot a white head of hair. bingo. we lock eyes and he sends me a look that says "don't be an idiot. get up there." I slowly stand up from the back of the Hufflepuff table and make my way to the front. A big fat man with a beard carries over a stool and an old pointy hat. "As is tradition," Dumbledore bellows "you must be sorted into one of the 4 houses. The sorting hat will decide." I tense up a little before the hat touches my head. not out of fear, but because of the smell. that hat smelled like a sweaty 2-year-old. I obviously made a disgusted face because some people let out a laugh. I locked eyes with Draco again only to realize he was the one laughing the hardest. I glared at him and he immediately shut up.

"hmmm, what have we here?" said the hat. Although it didn't really say it out loud. I could only hear it in my head. this is disgusting I thought. that's rude. said the hat. shit, it can hear my thoughts back. "Do you really think I stink?" well, kinda I thought while looking around the hall. the view is much better from the podium. I look over to the Gryffindor table to see where all the commotion was coming from. two more redheads, twins I think, were throwing dinner rolls at each other. I laughed a little. "ah, I see, you're drawn to these people. wouldn't it be hilarious if I put you into a different house just to spite you? what about Ravenclaw." I looked over at the Ravenclaw table to see a ton of kids buried in books. their food was hardly touched. um, I don't like the look of that. they're all in their own little world. I don't mind reading but i'd much rather talk and laugh with friends.

"I see" said the hat. I looked back over to the Gryffindor table and right when I did, we locked eyes. he had dark brown hair and these weird circular glasses, a muscular frame, and fair skin. I have no idea why but for some reason I felt drawn to him. something about his aura captivated me. my mom is an Auraologist and trained me to read people based on their energy. he had a beautiful scarlet aura. he seemed to be reading me too, maybe in a different way though. I knew instantly who he was without even having to see the scar I've heard so much about.

Harry Potter. The boy who lived.

"interesting..." said the hat  stop it  I commanded. "meow feisty. I'm feeling generous today so I'll be nice to you, but don't talk about how I smell ever again."   will do. 

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