Part 2

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It was currently 8 am where we see an angered and annoyed Sakura and Sasuke who was in deep thought he was still going over what had happened yesterday and what Naruto had said he basically had family and its Naruto they were both at training ground 7 waiting for their late Sensei and surprisingly their late teammate just as Sakura was finally going to pop Kikashi appeared in a puff of smoke "Yo" He said in a bored tone "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!!?" Sakura screeched with pure anger in her voice "Well a black cat crossed my path and I didn't want bad luck so I took the long route" Kikashi said making Sasuke and Sakura's jaw drop "Where is Naruto?" He asked getting shrugs from them both "Im here" A voice cut through the air like a knife it came from a large tree where they saw Naruto sitting eating ramen "NARUTO WHY DID YOU EAT SENSEI TOLD US NOT TO EAT!!" Sakura screeched "Keep your voice down useless!" Naruto said harshly "You to fell for his trap he told you that on purpose so you would fight on an empty stomach" Naruto said as he dropped to the ground without making a noise "My my Naruto you are pretty smart" Kikashi said as he pulled out clock and set the timer on noon he then pulled out 2 bells

Getting confused faces from Sakura and Sasuke Kikashi explained the test "Well you have till noon to get a bell from me and if you don't then you will fail" He said getting determined look from Sasuke and a confused look from Sakura "But Sensei theirs only 2 bells" Sakura asked as she raised an eyebrow "Oh there's only two bells because one of you will be going back to the academy" Kikashi said as he let out a little devilish giggle thais statement cause Sasuke and Sakura to start sweating bullets and become even more worried 'If I fail this then I can't be with Sasuke anymore no way I have to pass and make Naruto fail' Sakura thought as she beamed with confidence

"Alright begin" Kikashi said as they all disappeared into the trees Kikashi could easily sense Sakura and Sasuke but he couldn't detect Naruto at all 'He is really good at hiding his presence' Kikashi thought impressed at the skill Naruto had

Kikashi decided to begin the test as he quickly made his way towards Sakura where he found her laying on her stomach in a a bush 'Hmm by her report she's smart and is good at Genjutsu' He thought as he put her in a Genjutsu where she saw Sasuke impaled with Shurikan and Kunai and all bloody she then started to scream from horror the Genjutsu finally stopped making her pass out and leaving an unimpressed Kikashi

'Broody next' Kikashi thought as he jumped in the clearing that Sasuke could clearly see him, taking this chance Sasuke threw 6 Shurikan that hit and  embedded into Kikashi's back though Kikashi then turned into a piece of log 'Damnit now he know my position' Sasuke thought as he decided that he should go to the clearing where he could fight Kikashi easily

Kikashi then appeared in front of him holding and reading his favorite orange book he had his eye still focused onto the book "PUT THAT BOOK AWAY!" Sasuke shouted as he felt his pride was hit "Make me" Kikashi replied as he still had his eyes on the book

Sasuke came running at him with full speed he had cocked a fist back and threw it at Kikashi head which was caught easily by Kikashi

With his free arm Sasuke threw a punch towards Kikashi Gut which Kikashi blocked again with his knee Sasuke then did a whole 360 and threw a kick towards Kikashi head as he used this as a distraction and with his other hand that hit Kikashi's knee he went for the bells

Seeing this Kikashi was a little impressed but he couldn't let Sasuke get the bells so easily so he threw Sasuke off of him

Sasuke went flying towards the ground and hit it hard it took him time to get up 'So this is the power of a Jonin I can see now that the difference of our power is a lot, I have to become even stronger then him if I want to kill that bastard' Once Sasuke was finally back on his feat he started to glare at Kikashi who was still reading his book Sasuke was just about attack when two hands came out of the ground and held onto his ankles and pulled him into the ground leaving only his head to poke out of the ground

"I'll admit it Sasuke you're good but good is not enough to get a bell" Kikashi said as he crouched by Sasuke head and held the bells in front of his face and jiggled it, this served to just anger Sasuke even more as he started to growl at Kikashi

"Well I'm done playing with you and Sakura now lets go find Naruto" Kikashi said as he put the bells back and started to walk away to find Naruto but didn't walk far as Naruto found him

Naruto had watched the battle hidden in the trees 'He is ok at Taijutsu but he didn't even try any Jutsu's' Naruto thought shaking his head in disappointment 'Now it's my turn to dance with the fake Sharingan wielder' Naruto thought as he got an exited look on his face

Naruto then appeared in front of Kikashi who was surprised at his appearance "I thought you weren't going to fight me" Kikashi said as he glanced up at Naruto to see the excited and devilish smile that had mixed it sent a little shiver down Kikashi's spine

"Lets Dance" Naruto said getting into his Taijutsu stance seeing that Kikashi didn't do anything but look at his book and read Naruto took this chance to catch him off guard he sped at Kikashi and appeared in front of him with such speed Kikashi wasn't expecting and got punched in the face and was sent flying

Once Kikashi had finally got up he had put his book into his pouch 'He's fast and as strong as Gai normal punches how the HELL did he get this good' Kikashi thought as he saw Naruto run at him again though this time it was much slower he came at Kikashi and tried to punch him though Kikashi caught it easily but just Kikashi was going to counter Naruto disappeared in a burst of speed and appeared behind Kikashi where he gave him a heavy kick to the ribs which sent Kikashi flying again hitting multiple trees  and hitting the ground hard making a mini creator

Kikashi had not been expecting anything like that so he was very hurt he had tried to get up but the kick that Naruto had delivered had broken some ribs

Just then Naruto appeared on top of Kikashi he put his leg on Kikashi ribs and held it down tight enough that Kikashi couldn't move and took the bells he then took his foot off of Kikashi and walked away leaving a stunned and shocked Kikashi to his thoughts

/ 10 Minutes Later /

Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto were now at the stumps with Sakura being tied up and with Sasuke glaring jealously at Naruto and clenching his fist in anger

Just then Kikashi had appeared he had gone to the hospital and had been healed quickly "Yo" He said lazily "Umm Sensei we all failed didn't we?!" Sakura said as she held her head down "No" Naruto said void of any emotion as he pulled out 2 bells which got a shocked expression from Sakura and a expression that was pure jealousy from Sasuke "So Naruto who are you going to give the other bell to?" Kikashi asked as he really hoped he would make the right decision

Naruto gave him an emotionless face and tossed a bell to Sasuke and put the other on Sakura's head "Here you go" He said as he got shocked impression's from both Sasuke and Sakura and a proud eye smile from Kikashi "What! No you deserve it Naruto!!" Sakura said getting over her shock "No you should have this bell back" Sasuke said throwing his back this just gave Kikashi an even prouder eye smile

Clearing his throat Kikashi got the attention of the three he gave them a proud eye smile "You all pass" He said as he gave them a thumbs up
"Wha-WHAT!?" Sakura and Sasuke both shouted in shock, sighing Kikashi started to explain "Always look underneath the underneath you all thought that the test was what I told you get the bells and you pass but the bells didn't matter at all it was to see of you would look past the objective and work as a team, not the way I expected but you all still thought of each other and not your selves when all of you gave each other a bell" He said with a proud smile that you could see through the mask

"So let me get this straight the only reason why we are Genin is because Naruto gave us the bells" Asked Sasuke getting a nod from Kikashi "Alright meet me at the Hokage monument tomorrow at 6 am we will start then" Kikashi said as he disappeared in a swirl of leaves, Sakura then turned towards Sasuke as he got up and started to walk away with a smirk she was still tied up to the post and she knew Sasuke wouldn't untie her so she turned to Naruto who dissolved into black butterflies leaving Sakura to scream for help

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