Part 4

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Today was the day of the Chunin exams currently Sasuke and Sakura were waiting at the gate of the academy when suddenly a swarm of black butterflies and out of it formed Naruto who had an emotionless face that creeped and weirded out most people since his transformation

Looking at his Team he asked "You guys ready to go?" Walking closer to them getting a hesitant nod from Sakura and an excited smirk from Sasuke "Then lets go" He said walking past them and walking into the academy with his Team following right behind him

They then got to the floor were they saw a large group of people shouting "Let us in!! Let us in!" While being blocked by two kids

Seeing this Naruto scoffed "What a weak Genjutsu" Naruto said loud enough for only Sasuke and Sakura to hear "Lets go" He said as he turned around and walked towards the stairs but he soon stopped and looked behind him where he heard someone call out to him

Looking back Naruto saw a team consisting of 1 girl and two boys one of the boys looked like a Hyuga and the other looked like a replica of Might Gai while the girl had brown hair tied in two buns she was wearing a white and red kimono with a big scroll on her back

"Hn?" Naruto said with an emotionless face as he looked at them "What's your name?" The Hyuga asked confidently like he could defeat anyone easily "What's yours?" Sasuke said as he was getting a little frustrated that they weren't asking him an Uchiha Elite

Looking at him Neji wasn't impressed with Sasuke so he looked back at the direction Naruto was when
he saw the black haired boy walking away "Lets go" He said in an icy cold tone that made Sakura and Sasuke quickly turn around and walk behind him

Team 7 were now almost at the room that the exam was held in when they were stopped again by a the same team turning around they saw a kid with a bowl cut and a green full body suit with orange leg warmers he then began to talk

"You are Sakura right?" He walked towards Sakura who nodded "I am Rock Lee will you go out with me!" The now identified Lee said as he put his finger up in an Ok position Sakura just cringed at that and politely said "No" He then turned towards Naruto who looking at the scene in front of him with amusement glinting in his eyes "You fight me!" He said as he walked into a small indoor training ground "I am Rock Lee and you are Naruto Uzumaki right a Taijutsu master behind my Sensei I want to test my skills against you" He said getting into his famous stance

Shrugging Naruto decided that he wanted to warm up and see how Mini Gai's Taijutsu skills were

Naruto was now in his own Taijutsu style that only him and Madara knew waiting for Lee to make a move

Lee had come at Naruto with high Chunin speed it was easy for Naruto dodge every attack that Lee had thrown at him that was enough make Lee slip up a little

Once he had seen the opening he swung around and kicked Lee hard in the face sending him flying back towards the wall though once he was close to the it Naruto appeared right behind him and punched him in the back sending him falling hard onto the ground

Naruto then held Lee's hands behind his back and held him tightly on the floor "You know you're quite impressive if you took those weights off and used the 8 inner gates you would be a force to reckon with" Naruto said shocking Lee and Gai who was hiding "Ho-How do you know about that!?" "I have eyes and ears and anyways Gai uses the 8 gates and I could feel the waits on your feet" Naruto said as he let go of Lee and helped him up "That was a good match!" Lee said in an OK pose once he got up "You will become my eternal rival" Lee said with flames in his eyes 'He really is a mini Gai' Naruto thought as he sweat dropped a little

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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