Part 3

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/ 1 Month Later /

Team 7 had become pretty popular due to the many C and B rank missions they had done they even got the title of the strongest Genin team especially Naruto many had seen his amazing skill in Taijutsu he had become known as a master of the art second to only Might Gai today he and his team were called to their usual meet up spot Sakura and Sasuke came on time like their usual dumb selves while Naruto had come 2 hours late and Kikashi had come sometime after

"Yo" Kikashi said lazily as he appeared in front of the Genin "YOUR LATE!" Sakura shouted as she pointed at him ignoring her he spoke "I have good news but also bad news" Getting confused looks from Sakura and Sasuke he continued "I have recommended you three to the Chunin exams" He said with a proud eye smile this put a smirk on Sasuke face as he thought 'Finally I can show my true power to everyone and make them fear the Uchiha name' Sakura though had other thoughts 'The Chunin exams I'm to weak I'll probably die' while Naruto also had different thoughts 'Finally somewhere to get a real challenge and not just annoyances'

"Go to the academy and in classroom 301 you will be able to enter the exam" Kikashi said passing the papers to each of them "Go there tomorrow, bye" Kikashi finished saying before disappearing in a swirl of leaves

Naruto took the paper and started to walk home on the walk home he had seen a little kid that he barely knew the kid ran up to him with 2 of his friends behind him "Hey boss wanna play ninja with us?" One said with a long blue scarf "I ha-" Naruto began but was cut off by another voice "HAHA YOUR PLAYING NINJA WITH THESE KIDS NARUTO?!!" Sakura shouted as she started laughing "No I was just about to tell them that I was going to go train" He said in an icy cold tone sending a shiver down Sakura's forehead which instantly made her stop laughing "Who's this boss your girlfriend?" Konohamaru asked getting a simple "No" from Naruto "Good she's ugly" He said which he instantly regretted it when she started to chase after him

Turning the corner Konohamaru hit a person making him fall "OWW WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!" Konohamaru shouted making the boy he bumped into angry he picked up Konohamaru by the collar "Who are you talking to brat!" The boy said he had a black outfit with a hat that made it look like he had cat ears he also wore purple paint over his face and had something rapped in bandages on his back he also wore a Sand head band

Seeing this Sakura stopped and asked the boy who was holding the third Hokage's grandson to let him go but he wouldn't let him go

"Kankuro lets just go" Said a girl who had blonde hair that was in 4 ponytails she also had a huge fan on her back she was sitting on a tree branch "Hell no this kids going to get beaten up by me!" The now identified Kankuro said as he was going to punch Konohamaru

"Do you know who that is?" Naruto asked as he was on a branch in a pose that screamed "Cool"

"Who cares he's just a little brat!" Kankuro shouted back as he narrowed his eyes at Naruto "That isn't just any brat thats Konohamaru Sarutobi the 3rd Hokage's grandson" He said shocking Kankuro and the girl making him drop Konohamru to the groun...

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"Who cares he's just a little brat!" Kankuro shouted back as he narrowed his eyes at Naruto "That isn't just any brat thats Konohamaru Sarutobi the 3rd Hokage's grandson" He said shocking Kankuro and the girl making him drop Konohamru to the ground "A-a-a" Kankuro stuttered as he started to sweat bullets "Go home Konohamaru, Moagi and Udon" Naruto said as they did as he said and ran off

"Kankuro you are disgracing our village" A voice said as he appeared behind Kankuro "GAARA!" Kankuro shouted in fear and surprise turning around he saw the short red head he had black marking around his eyes and a big gourd on his back filled with sand
"I don't care if you are my older brother I will kill you if i want to" Gaara said with a stoic face that creeped Kankuro and the girl even more

'I can feel the demonic chakra out of that kid' Naruto thought narrowing his eyes at Gaara 'Oh I see little 1 tails is in the exam' "Tanuki" Naruto said smirking at Gaara this statement alone shocked the three sand ninjas

Narrowing his eyes Gaara asked "How do you know?" "Oh how rude of me my name Naruto Uzumaki and I like you have the fox" Naruto said amusingly as he saw the shocked and horrified faces of Gaara's teammate while Gaara had a sadistic smile "Mother wants your blood" He said in a creepy tone that would send shivers down anyone's spine but Naruto wasn't just anybody "Finally I get to fight someone with real power our fight will be entertaining" Naruto said with amusement still in his voice

Just then another group of ninja arrived sensing the demonic chakra they were a group of genin from the hidden cloud 'By the looks of it their here to participate in the Chunin exams also'

One had dark skin blonde hair and tattoos on his cheek that looked like horns he also wore black sunglasses and 8 swords on his back by the height and muscle difference he looked like the Jonin Sensei his name was Killer Bee and the Jinjuriki of the 8 tails

Another had long blonde hair with blue cat slitted eyes she wore purple and blue clothes with the cloud head band on her forehead her name was Yugito Nii the 2 tails Jinjuriki

Another one was also dark toned and had red spikey hair with yellow eyes she had a white and red katana on her back her name was Karui

And the last member was also dark toned he had short white hair and s black cloud head band on his forehead he also had a lollipop in his mouth and had a black katana strapped to his back his name was Omoi

Naruto looked at them with even more amusement "I was wondering when you were going to show up 8 and 2" He said shocking the Kumo team and Gaara 'How does he know?' Thought Omoi and Karui as they had their guard up

"Its nice to meet you to Mr.9" Killer Bee rapped surprising Omoi and Karui 'So thats how he knew because he's a Jinjuriki also' They thought
"And Mr.1" Bee said in seriousness as he eyed the Jinjuriki he was getting a bad vibe off of him 'Bee!' The eight tails spoke to him by his mind 'That Jinjuriki he has lost his mind that Tanuki must have tortured him to the point that he does what Shikaku tells him to do' Getting a nod of understanding from Bee

"Well I guess this is a little family reunion huh" Naruto said getting a nod and a smile from Yugito and Bee "Mother wants you three's blood" Gaara said with an insane smile "Huh the furball was correct the Tanuki really is crazy" Naruto said shaking his head getting a small giggle from Yugito and a chuckle from Bee

Naruto heard a loud growl from his mind "DON'T CALL ME THAT BRAT!!" The fox shouted with the other tailed beast and Jinjuriki hearing this Bee just laughed harder and Yugito giggled a little more while Gaara still had his maniac face on

"Well then I guess we will be meeting in the Chunin exams I would love to have a fight with you all" Naruto said as dissolved into black butterflies leaving a confused and shocked Kumo and Suna team expect Yugito, Gaara and Bee

"I like that kid" Yugito said with a little blush "Yah Mr.9 looks and feels strong so you all have to be carful around him" Bee said as he tried to rap it "Mr.9 so you mean he's also a Jinchuriku like you two?" Karui asked hesitantly getting a nod from Bee "And by the sound of you saying Mr.9 you mean that he's the Jinchuriku of the 9 tails?" Omoi asked as he began to over think it leading to his sister hitting him on the head "What about that red head that was insane?" Karui asked getting no response for a few seconds from Bee

Sighing Yugito went to explain "That red head is also a Jinchuriki though he has the weakest 1 tails but he can still be very powerful" She said getting a shocked expression from Karui and a "Huh" from Omoi
"So you mean their is going to be 3 Jinchuriku in Chunin exams including you who is the strongest Genin in Kumo!?" Karui asked well more like said it as a statement "But wait why was he so insane" Omoi asked as he stopped over thinking everything "Well from what Eight'o told me Shikaku the 1 tails demon always wanted conflict and was always crazy so from day one he tortured his Jinchuriku until the red head had finally lost his mind and did everything it said to do, didn't you hear the kid say 'Mother wants your blood' he's talking about Shikaku" Bee said in full seriousness "Just be wary of him if you have to fight him" Bee said again without rapping and in full seriousness

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