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Samael stared up at the sunset sky, watching the gradient get darker and darker as the wind rushed by him.

His day so far? Went to jail, lost the man of his dreams, and got his ass kicked pretty good. Oh, and he was falling to his death after trying to play God in an attempt to fix a mistake he'd made and sorely regretted.

His end started at the beginning–the very beginning!

Samael had a fairly standard childhood. He came from what one might call a broken home–quite literally broken, as his planet got swallowed up by a black hole within days of his birth. He was eight days old and still living with his parents. How sad was that, huh? Obviously it was time to move on if his parents rushed him out of the house and off the planet so hastily.

Samael's mother was a beautiful woman–tan skin, blazing lime-green slit-pupiled eyes, and tamed, short locks of veridian hair. Her features were sharp compared to his father's, and much more exaggerated–long pointed ears, large fangs that flashed in the blaring red lights when she spoke, and a tail that waved behind her, desperate and furious.

Samael's father was a tall, slim man with very pale skin and sculpted, yet soft features. His body language read more concern than fury, unlike his mother.

His other features were less exaggerated than Samael's mother, too–shorter pointed ears, smaller fangs that were needle sharp and thin compared to his mother's large, curved fangs, and a tail that swished calmly behind him.

When he spoke to Samael, he remembered grabbing for those fangs as a two-day old. The man's hair was a bright magenta that faded to green and curled at the ends. His eyes were a glowing turquoise and had red slitted pupils. He wore what Samael would later realize as he got older was a crown and very high quality material clothes, fit for a ruler. His mother wore fine clothes as well, but she looked tired and furious, bruises and scrapes littering her bare arms and face as she set him in the cradle of his pod. She'd looked as though she was going to be sick, even as she smiled at him. Probably because she was about to die and had to send her eight day old baby away to be the sole survivor of her race.

"Here is your minion, he will take care of you. I love you, my Darling." She smiled warmly at the baby she'd placed carefully in the sloppily put together pod he was to depart in.

"And here is your binky." Samael's father popped something in his mouth and the boy absently sucked on it. "It will be a weapon for you when you need it as you get older, my son. You are destined for–" The hatch closed and Samael never heard the last part of his father's sentence.

Destined for....what?

He cocked his head curiously to the side, holding onto the small, squirming thing his parents gave him and sucking anxiously on his binky. They looked worried. Well, his father looked mildly concerned, but resigned to whatever was happening, while Samael's mother looked devastated and angry and he thought he saw tears slip down her cheeks just before he was launched away at speeds that pushed him against the back of his pod.

With the angle his pod was speeding away at, he was able to watch his planet be ruthlessly pulled apart into pieces and then mercilessly sucked into a swirling black hole that consumed another planet directly after Samael's. A despair that he didn't know what to do with curled in his chest and had sobs escaping his occupied lips. The binky fell out of his mouth and tears poured down his chubby little cheeks. Somehow he knew he'd never see his parents, or anyone from his Homeworld, ever again. 

Samael's planet had swirls of blue, red, pink, green, and purple. The next planet that followed his into oblivion was white, red, and a bright gold with hints of blue.

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