Chapter 15

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Russia POV

Russia and the rest of the group had been walking most of the day. It was a chilly fall afternoon and Russia stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets.

Everyone had their jacket on and they huddled around each other for warmth. America was walking next to Russia, their shoulders touching, Russia didn't pull away.

He hated to admit it, but he was kind of warming up to the group. And they were starting to warm up to him. Vietnam and Pip even started talking to him like a friend. It was nice, having friends, or at least, he thought they were starting to be his friends. America was acting like a friend.

Russia could hear his father's disappointment echoing in his head, repeating his last words with a new viciousness. Russia blocked it out. What if he wanted friends for a change, there could be no harm in being nice to them while they were traveling together.


Weird. Russia never imagined thinking that when he was around others. He was watching and listening, expecting a monster or some of those guards to run out at them from the trees.

He heard the branches rustle, but he figured it was just the breeze, and he hadn't seen anything.

" What's wrong pretty boy, nervous," said America, his teeth chattering.

" You shouldn't be wearing a crop top in this weather," said Russia.

" It's easier to fight in," said America," Whatcha lookin at?"

" I'm just keeping an eyes out for danger," said Russia.

He noticed America smiling at him and he felt suddenly awkward," What?"

" Nothing," said America," I'm just glad your starting to think of us as friends."

Russia nodded," I guess you guys aren't all that bad."

America smiled," I'm glad you do t think we're annoying anymore."

" Well, your an exception," said Russia, grinning.

He's never joked before, or grinned. He really was crazy. America was smiling and he looked a little red.

" Are you okay," asked Russia," Your red, are you sick or something?"

" N-No," stammered America," Just cold I guess."

" Oh," said Russia," I guess I'm just used to being in colder places, and I don't wear crop tops."

Russia took off his ushanka and put it on America's head," Here, just give it back later."

America thanked him quietly and walked over to Philippines and started to whisper to her, his face an even brighter shade of red.


Wait...What the fuck is he thinking.


America POV

" Oh my god," whispered Pip," How is he possibly so oblivious."

" I don't know," whispered America, gay panicking," But GOD he's hot."

" Oh my god you gay disaster," said Pip," Calm the fuck down."

" Okay," said America," What did you do to get Vietnam's attention, how do you talk to men?"

" Okay you really need to calm down," said Pip," Vietnam and me confessed to each other and started dating, but we took it slow and now we're in love for real. You just have to keep getting to know him, and if you decide he really is the one you want, then go for it."

" Okay," said America," Thanks."

He touched the soft fur of the ushanka and smiled.

Day three of their walk was almost over.

And they were over half way there.

To a monster free save point.

Maybe America and Russia could be together there.

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