Chapter 16

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Russia POV

Russia stopped as he heard something. They had started the walk of day four. America had given Russia's ushanka back last night, but he'd been all flustered and thanked Russia about five times. Russia hoped he wasn't sick or something. The group noticed Russia had stopped and stopped to.

" What's wrong Russia," said Vietnam.

" I don't know," said Russia," I thought I heard something."

" Heard what," said North, rolling his eye," The breeze?"

They all stopped as they heard a twig snap. Russia scanned the trees till he saw what created the noise. The dark shape was up in the trees, right above South Vietnam.

" SV," cried Russia," LOOK OUT!"

The thing leaped down, Russia's warning came to late. SV turned but the thing, Russia could see now was clearly a human, landed square on his shoulders. Blood flew. Vietnam attacking the guy. SV screaming.

Russia ran over to SV, not knowing what to do. Then he realized what happened. SV had a long cut across his face and over his eyes. Blood dripped from his eyes and pooled onto the grass below him.

Germany was by him in an instant, grabbing medicine and trying to stop the bleeding

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Germany was by him in an instant, grabbing medicine and trying to stop the bleeding. Russia, not knowing what else to do, turned to the fight. He realized the it was the attacker who was trying to get away as Vietnam beat the living shit out of him.

Russia had to walk over and help America drag Vietnam off the guy. By now SV had stopped screaming and was now laying on the ground, groaning in pain. Vietnam punched the guy one last time and ran to his brother. America was looking at the unconscious guy on the ground.

" America," said Russia," Do you know him?"

" Yes," said America," He's my little brother, Australia."

" What do we do with him," asked Russia.

" Hey Pip," called America," You still got that extra rope in your bag."

" Yeah," said Pip, pulling it out of her bag, handing it to America.

" We're tying him to a tree," said America, dragging the limp body of Australia towards the nearest pine," He can deal with the monsters himself."

America finished tying him up. Then the group made a fire and waited to see what would happen to SV.


" He's blind," said Germany," I can't fix his eyes, but he'll live."

SV, as if summoned by the mention of him, sat next to Russia.

" Hey guys," he said, sounding chipper," How are you guys, did he hurt you to?"

"How the hell are you asking us that," said South Korea," We should be asking you that."

" I don't want to talk about it," said SV," About how I'm just dead weight."

" No," said America," We still value you as part of our team and family."

" Yeah," agreed the others.

Russia didn't think he should participate, still being new to this friend thing. But he nodded his agreement, earning some grateful glances from the others.

He saw that Germany wrapped bandages around SV'd head and eyes, then it was finished with a blindfold. But since it covered up his flag, the blindfold was the same as his symbols.

 But since it covered up his flag, the blindfold was the same as his symbols

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SV smiled," Thanks guys."

" Of course," said Pip.

Vietnam hugged his brother and they started whispering to each other. Russia looked at his feet, feeling like he should be able to do more.

He realized America was sitting next to him. America held Russia's hand and gave him a reassuring smile.

And America started gay panicking...

As Russia smiled back.

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