Chapter 17

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Russia POV

Only two miles to the safe point. Two miles till this was all over. After 18 years of death, starvation, monsters, it was all gonna end. And on top of it all, Russia actually made friends.

He never thought he would admit it, but he really cared about the group. America had been right, Russia had started to care. And that was okay, he thought.

The group could see it now. It was a big building about 50 feet tall and the length of two football fields. They had to pass through to get to the safe point.

It looked similar to Britain's lab, at least before they blew it up. Russia smiled at the memory of Britain's angry face. Asshole.

Russia realized that he hadn't thought of leaving the group since he and America had, but the fire. He smiled slightly. Being together wasn't so bad.

Until he smelled smoke.

" Guys," he said," Do you smell that."

" Smoke," said SV," Its behind us."

" Is it just behind you?"

Everyone turned and saw, to everyone's amazement, Australia with a blowtorch. He had a black eye and a bunch of cuts and bruises from when Vietnam beat him up, yet he was wearing a smug grin.

" What are you doing here,"'snapped America," Just go home and tell Britain we're gonna complete his stupid test."

" But he wouldn't mind a few bodies to study afterwards," said Australia.

Then he clicked the switch of the blowtorch and started swinging his arm around wildly. The trees and grass caught fire quicker than anything. Fire spread and licked at the metal walls of the escape building.

" RUN," cried America.

The group bolted. Australia had ran off, avoiding the fore and most likely heading back to the lab to report to Britain.

Russia saw the group make it into the building, the metal walls saving them from the fire. Russia heard a loud crack sound above him, he froze, flames blocking his escape.


Someone shoved him from behind and he was sent sprawling on the ground. He at up and coughed. Then he saw the aftermath of these events.

South Korea was on the ground. A huge tree branch on his back. It fell on him. Russia ran to his side and tried to lift the branch off of South. Next thing he knew, North Korea and America wed next to him, helping lift the branch.

They managed to lift it and while Russia and North held it up, America dragged South out from under it. They dropped the branch and with America holding his friend, they ran into the building, closing the door on the fire and smoke.

They laid South on the ground and Russia started coughing, having spent to much time in the smoke. He finally managed to stop couching and he walked over to stand with the others.

South was laying on his back, taking rasping breaths, his eyes barely opened. His tail lay limp like his legs. He smiled up at North who was kneeling next to him.

" Did I do good," he asked, his voice hoarse.

" Yes," said North," You saved Russia, your a hero little brother."

South smiled," That's nice."

" Thank you South," said Russia, his voice wavering.

Please let him be okay.

" I'm glad your okay Russia," said South," I'm glad you've finally learned that together we're strong."

Russia nodded, unable to speak. If he spoke, he would end up crying. He held America's hand and America squeezed his hand, sharing grief.

" America," said South," My back is broken, I'm burned, I'm dying, please help me."

" South," said America, his voice wavering worse than Russia's," I can't-."

" You've been my friend forever," said South," Please, I need you to do me one last favor."

America's out a choked sob. He let go of Russia's hand and walked over to Pip, whispering to her.

" South, I'm so sorry," sobbed North," I should have been better, I should have told you how much you meant to me, I should have acted better, I'm so sorry South Korea."

" It's okay brother," said South, a tear falling down his ash covered cheek," It's okay, I love you to. I've always known you cared, I love you North."

" Do you forgive me," sobbed North.

America walked over, Pip's pistol in hand. He was crying, but his shoulders didn't shake.

South held North's hand and smiled," There's nothing to forgive."

He looked at everyone, still smiling," I'll tell Japan you guys said hi."

The he smiled at America as he but the gun to South's forehead," Thank you Ame."

" I'll miss you my oldest friend," said America quietly, his voice thick with emotion.

" Until we meet again," said South.

He still held North's hand as America pulled the trigger. Russia sat down, his legs trembling, his whole body trembling. He couldn't think clearly. South's dead because of Russia, it's his fault. Everyone would still be okay if Russia had been crushed by that branch.

The gunshot was drowned out by North Korea's wails.

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