To The Moon And Back... Remember? (Hayes Grier Fanfic)

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~Kamree's POV~

"Dad, I don't even know these people and you expect me to stay the night with them?"


"Dad," I countered.

He sighed. "This is a HUGE business opportunity for me. I thought you would be excited."

I sat down on his huge bed and plopped backward. He's right. I just don't want to admit it. But if it'll make him happy, I'll go.

He's having this meeting with some 'BIG' potential clients and we're driving to their house to meet them. From the house, they're going to a conference. Overnight.

So my dad basically went from being a protection freak who won't let me watch T.V or have slumber parties to "Oh, you can stay a night or two with people you or I have never met in our lives. Of course nothing could happen!".


Normally I would be totally psyched about something like this-- a chance to get out of my house and meet new people-- but I'm not feeling it this time. Something is making me really nervous.

"Okay Dad, I'll go." His smile grew wide. "But you owe me big time!" I said as he wrapped me in a bear hug.

I tapped his shoulder. "Okay, you can release now!" I gasped, feeling the oxygen drain from me. He let go and I took a deep breath.

"Great! Well, we need to be at their house in--" He checked his Rolex watch. "--three hours so let's get a move on. They live on the other side of the state." He added when I gave him the "you're crazy" look.

I ran to my room and grabbed my duffle, throwing random outfits in and shoving in everything in the bathroom. I slid down the banister of the stairs and ran into the Escalade.

~Nash's POV~

"Nash!" My mom yelled at me. "Come here, please!"

"Oh gosh, Nash... what did you DO?" Cameron asked.

I rolled my eyes as I got up from the couch. She started yelling again as I walked through the archway.

"NA--" She saw me.

My dad walked into the entryway. She immediately reached for his tie. She then smoothed out her very tight purple dress.

"Why are you so dressed up?"

"We have a very important potential business partner coming any minute now." She said fixing her necklace.

"And... how does that involve me?"

Before she could answer, the doorbell rang. They both took deep breaths, plastered smiles on their faces, and opened the door together.

"Dr. Layne!" Mom said as Dad shook the man's hand.

He smiled and flashed perfectly white teeth. "Mr. and Mrs. Grier. Please, call me David. Now, let's get right to it then."

"Nash, no one goes upstairs." She said as Dad led them up the staircase.

I saluted my mom and turned around to shut the door.

"Whoa!" I said, surprised. Beautiful stood in the doorway.

"Are you...?" I began.

"I'm Kamree Layne." She stuck her hand out.

I stood there for a second holding her hand.

"Oh, gosh, come in, please." I said, realizing she was still standing outside.

She looked about 17, soft, honey-brown hair with natural blond streaks. She was wearing a black, white, and red shirt with white basketball shorts, red and black Under Armor socks and black Vans. She had crystal green eyes.

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