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Kenma drove further into town, speeding a bit. Now that he hasn't heard Akaashi, he grew concerned. The minutes for the call limit has also ended and now Akaashi won't answer his phone.

"Please be okay, Akaashi..." Kenma said shakily.

Meanwhile, Akaashi fell asleep on the couch, mind hazing as his body sinks on the couch that made him feel like he was surrounded by soft feathers. A reason why he bought this couch. Akaashi was the type of person who would fall asleep right away as their body makes contact with anything soft or comfortable. He could also be the type who would get pissed if someone woke him up.

Kenma ran out of the car after parking it. He stumbled and tripped on some steps here and there, but he would get right away. With the spare key he had, he frantically slipped the key to the keyhole, twisting it right after.

"Akaashi!" Kenma stood right there, looking at a sleeping Akaashi. Unfortunately he didn't know that. He looked like he passed out, Akaashi's already pale skin made Kenma think so.

"Akaashi!" He called again. He tried shaking him lightly but it all actions he made were a little too violent because of the adrenaline rushing.

An annoyed groan came from Akaashi that was immediately replaced by a confused look, seeing a rather familiar occupying his view.

"Akaashi! Are you alright?" Confusion became even more complicated for Akaashi.

"Umm, yeah..." He said, finding their position a little awkard. Kenma held both of Akaashi's arms tightly, and the ravenette was slightly eyeing the blonde's hands. Kenma understood the gesture and immediately let go.

"S-Sorry, I just got worried. I thought you passed out or something."

Akaashi's mind cleared a bit. He must've fallen asleep a while ago. "I think I fell asleep. Also, how did you get here?"

"Well, you called me and you were mumbling some words," Kenma sat next to Akaashi. "I grew more worried after not hearing you speak for a few minutes, and now I'm here." He laughed awkwardly. All the trouble and panic he went through, when it was just Akaashi sleeping.

"Ahh- I must've accidentally pressed your number. And about the mumbles...I was just...thinking about something."

"What's that 'something'?"

Akaashi rubbed his nape. "Well uhh, since you're here already, I might just tell you..."

He took deep breaths before speaking again.
"I was thinking about a date."

"Our date, actually." Kenma remained seated in a frozen manner. Akaashi lend a hand to Kenma, which he took confusingly. Akaashi led him into a room where certain things were set up. The whole room was draped with a big cloth, and inside are a bunch of blankets and pillows scattered on the floor, and the fairy lights added up to its already beautiful ambiance.

"Akaashi...this...this is for me?"

"Yeah, Kuroo-san said you were a very chill, laid-back person, so this is the kind of setup I did." Akaashi said, staring at Kenma. His face didn't show much emotion, but he can tell by the looks of his eyes that he was adoring it. The beautiful lights made a reflection to Kenma's angelic eyes, making it blossom some more beauty.

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